Did your doc prescribe antibiotics pre-op?
That is such a good question to ask. I am having my surgery on Monday and I keep reading about all these people sick and back in the hospital it is starting to FREAK ME OUT! LOL. I know MY doctor actually gives us antibiotics DURING surgery! Plus, I believe after as well. So, I pray this stuff doesn't happen to me. When is your surgery?
Research shows (sounds kinda like family fued ......the survey says....) that having antibiotics "on board" via an IV one hour prior to incision and for 24 hours after surgery is effective for preventing infection. Now if you have drains or other foreign bodies in you, those pose other risks for infection that need to be addressed and monitored. There are currently quality initiatives in many OR's across the country related to this very topic -- the timing of antibiotics before and after surgery.

That's exactly why I'm asking Diane. I, too, keep reading about all these people back in the hospital with infections, and wonder if they were given antibiotics before or during surgery. Kinda freaking me out too! I'm scarred enough, then when I read these things.......yikes!!!! My surgery date isn't set yet....I've been dragging my feet a bit.....have to have a Doppler study and a couple other things, and my PCP hasn't written my support letter yet. But it's mostly my own fault,....I haven't pushed things, 'cause I am so worried. I mean, I feel like I really need to do this, and don't feel like I'd ever be able to do it on my own.....yet I still hate the idea of doing something so drastic. I'm sure I have more peace about the whole thing once I set the date. So Monday's the big day for you! Congrats! I'll be praying for you and hoping all goes welly. I'm sure it will. Make sure you post on your progress!!! Best to you, Patty