Doing the Happy Dance...
Hey Everyone,
We found out today that we were approved for our homestudy. Now we just have to go through the immigration process, and then we send our dossier over to China. She thinks we can have that done by October as long as INS does not slow us down.
I am so happy. Someone said it was okay for me to be a parent! I am so glad. I was really nervous throughout this part of the process because of the questions etc. I know this is still a long process to go, we still have to wait for the referral etc from China but this is the first big hurdle we have to go through. YEAH!
Just had to share my happy news.
Suzanne, Can't tell you how happy I am for you. My husband and I went through the process eleven years ago and have been the very proud parents of our exceptional daughter for ten years. We will be celebrating our tenth "gotcha day" at the end of October. I can assure you, you will have some frustrating days ahead but they will all fade once you have that wonderous gift in your arms. If you ever need anything from words of support or merely a question or two, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. Last month we had a reunion with 10 of the other families who traveled to China and became parents at the same time as ourselves. It is an a truly momentous experience. Pam Gosla [email protected]