What about fruit?
Okay.. I am so confused about sugar alcohols and fruit and carbs... I feel like I need a special ed class for nutrition! I am so craving and apple or an orange... as oranges still scare me, I purchased one scrumptious apple.. will this make me sick? I just wanted to take a slice or too of it and eat it slow, but I am SO afraid of it making me sick. When I'm in the store reading the labels I don't understand how many carbs are going to make me sick..or how much sugar alcohol.. I wanted to get some tomatoe soup.. but it said 32 carbs and 16 grams of sugar!! I looked for lower tomatoes soups, but even the healthy choice had 9 sugars per serving! I'm just afraid to eat anything with carbs.. even if it's high fiber, and more than 5 grams of sugar per serving. sugar alcohols just have me baffled altogether, so I"m afraid to try anything that has that even listed! Soo frustrating.. I"m REALLY not this ignorant ( on other things anyway)..
My nutritionist has said I'm good to go with my diet.. no "restrictions" other than the regular bariatric stuff... this is exhausting!!!
Thanks for all the help!
Sugar 101
When you look at the sugars, you also have to look at the source of the sugars. THAT is very important.
If there are 2 grams of sugar or less per serving, you should generally be able to tolerate the food well, no matter what the source of sugar is. If it is higher, you need to check the labels. (Some doctors say 5 grams but 2 is what I've been told).
Simple Sugars to limit include: brown sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, honey, maple syrup, molases, raw sugar, sucrose, sugar, glucose, invert sugar, maltose and sorghum.
Simple sugars that are tolerated generally well:
Fructose (natural sugar found in fruits and fruit juices)
Lactose (milk, cheese, yogurt, dairy)
Vegetables contain naturally occuring sugars
(Along with aspartame, saccharin, stevia,acesulfame k, SUGAR ALCOHOLS (sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, maltitol) will be tolerated well but might cause gas or diarrhea though), isomalt and sucralose (splenda)
If you are newly out of surgery tomato based soups are supposedly not the best choice because they *might* make you dump and can be a little hard on the stomach.
Hope it helps! I had a mini nutrition course before surgery and they stressed not to get alarmed always about sugar but to definitely READ the ingredients label
I ate the natural sugars in fruit, cheese etc... right from the beginning almost. I still eat an apple a day with 1 1/2 oz of cheese but everyone is different. You will need to find out your tolerance. As far as artifical sugars I still at 1 1/2 years out make me sick feeling and then loose bowels but regular sugars under 8 grams I can do with no problem. I can't eat dressings, syrup, mayo something about that stuff still make me sick. Again, trial and error and what you don't like today or doesn't agree with you today you might be able to handle later once your body adjust to you new way of eating.
Good luck I know how confusing it can be and will continue to be.