Still not 100% - normal?
Okay, so after my terrible intestinal cramps last night and spending the majority of the evening in the bathroom I finally got some sleep. I woke up this morning and my tummy still wasn't cooperating with me all the way, but after some more time in the bathroom I was able to get ready and make it to work. I notice that my intestines are still talking to me a little bit today... just feel a little sore and a little bit of a shooting pain now and then. If this little nugget of joy in my life was caused by "dumping" is it normal to still feel a little yucky today? It all seems to be in my stomach is fine and no nausea or anything like that...
Funny how I freak out now about every little thing.. it's like I can't read my own body anymore... makes me a little uneasy.
Well, I haven't been eating much of anything...which is getting on my nerves. I was quite nauseated for a few days this past week..which my calorie intake was down. I went back to work yesterday..feelin fine..BUT.. I had my protien powdered decaf coffee in the a.m. Sipped sipped sipped my decaf iced tea (and stil only got in about 32 oz. for the day).. and at lunch I ate some grilled chicken from a salad. Didn't touch the lettuce..just ate the chicken and a little cheese off of it. Then half an hour later I was back to sipping, sipping, sipping. At 4 p.m. I had free minute to enter my daily intake into and to my shock I realized I had only consumed 193 calories for the day. NOT GOOD!!!!! I had purchased some beef jerky to keep on hand, (nobody told me if I had to wait a certain amount of time before eating this) I nibbled on a piece of that.. then went home. I didn't have anything at home that sounded good.. (shocker I know) and my husband is recovering from back surgery without an appetite and he told me to split a South Beach Diet frozen meal..but of course HE purchased them and they were all beef. I was becoming frustrated and so I just shared an Orange Beef had a little brown rice (which my nut said was alright) and a little bit of broccoli. I ate probably 1 - 2 oz. altogether. about an hour later the cramps started... nothing else. No vomiting, nausea, sweats, heart palps.. Just INTENSE cramping and I didn't want to leave the bathroom.. managed to do 2 word finds and my legs went numb from sitting on the throne for so darn long..
So.. was it the beef????? I started freaking out thinking I had a blockage in my intestines like YOU had!!!!!!!! YIKES!!!! I could imagine having to get to the hospital with those cramps.. I literally would have had to be dragged from the toilet by paramedics I think!!!! but at about midnight it lighted up enough for me to sleep. This morning I had one more episode (not as severe) to greet me to a new day..but my bowels still feel like they are a bit fickle today.
Today I had Protien Powered decaf coffe... and I managed to eat 3 whole wheat saltines with some tuna salad. NOT doing good for calories.
I really haven't been naughty or anything..(food wise that is! ) .. actually, who am I kidding.. I haven't been naughty in any other way either! Sheesh!!! I just don't know what to eat for some reason. I had tried nuts a few days ago..but I figured out that it could have been adding to my nausea! I am afraid of peanut butter and whole wheat bread..(and YOU know why that is!).. No wonder the scale isn't moving, huh? I'm sick of everything I have been eating and afraid of everything I haven't tried!!!
Any ideas "Oh Great One of the Bariatric World"? (that's YOU KP!)
That's not a lot of calories, kid. I think you may be waiting a little long between eating, also make sure you are chewing. If you are eating tuna with no prob then peanut butter is probably going to be ok. Ask the nut what brand. I used crema ll natural for a long time and was ok with it. Put a little on a cracker and see how you do. Slices of munster cheese maybe with some deli meat on a cracker also worked for me. Watch the dairy for lactose problems too. I may have talked to you about that.
Cramping can be so many things - intolerance to a food, not chewed enough, not slow enough, swallowing air with your food, drinking too soon after eating etc.,, It takes a bit to catch your stride. You will though. Don't worry.
How is soup for you? That should work well too.
Don't forget to call if you need some ideas. I'm around most of the time.
OK Kim, this is me! Don't sweat the calories as much as the quality of the food going in. You have had MAJOR surgery 3 WEEKS AGO!! It was at least 8 weeks before I could eat some of the foods you are describing. Go back to the basics Kim. I know that is hard when you are working. PLAN, PLAN, PLAN. Beef is a hard one, have you tried the underwood deviled ham? It is pretty good on a cracker, and is good to take with you at work. Egg Salad? The breads expand, I like WASA crackers, so you could have the egg salad on a WASA cracker. Well, I have stepped out of my zone, so I will go back, but I am still here for you girlfriend. You have not been naughty, just impatient. Take a step back. Take Care and God Bless, Carol