A first for severe cramps
Hi Everyone,
Just wondered if this has happened to anyone else..not sure what caused it. Today was not the best day for eating.. I had my protien in the a.m. (mixed into my decaf coffee)..for lunch I had some chicken breast..at 4 pm I realized as I was filling out my fitday.com journal that I had only consumed approx. 200 calories.. so I ate a piece of beef jerky. When I got home from work I was at a loss as to what to have for dinner. Peanut butter still scares me, and I have whole grain waffles but the sugar free syrup has sugar alcohols and I'm scared to try it...so me and my husband split a south beach diet frozen meal. (orange beef). I ate VERY little of it..chewing very well. so it's about an hour later and I start to get some pretty bad abdominal cramps... (at first it felt like bad menstral cramps) ...then after about 15 minutes I realized I needed to get to the bathroom and pronto!! After about 20 minutes in there I was able to leave, but I'm still sitting here with a very angry abdomen. I've never had this happend since surgery and it was a little scary.. I was thinking if this would have happened at work I would have been a mess..and not quite sure how to get myself home because I don't want to be far from the bathroom. (told myself that at work I should maybe take my cell phone with me to the bathroom!!)
Anyone else have this happen or have any idea what could cause it??? I've definately been fighting nausea from surgery..but not this!!!
Hi Kim,
It might have been the orange chicken....it may have had too much sugar in it. Also, I know some newly post ops have an eversion to anything greasy, although that probably wasn't "very" greasy, but it did have beef. I'm also thinking it may have been too soon for beef? I can't remember for sure but it seems like Dr. Carlin didn't have us eating beef for a few months? Gosh, I just can't remember and I haven't been able to find my blue binder with my notes in it. I had an episode just like that only a month or two out, but I had taken liquid amoxicillin for a dentist appt. since pills were impossible. Didn't realize it had quite a bit of sugar in it....I had to excuse myself from the dentist chair during a cleaning and 15 minutes later returned to the very bored-looking dental hygienist!! It was awful, but once over, I was fine. I would call what you had a "dump"...just not a full-fledged one, but awful just the same. Hope you are feeling better soon! Check your binder to be sure what you can tolerate for sure. Good luck! Theresa