sugar alcohol?
Do you follow the same rules for sugar alcohols as you do with sugar? I know a lot of the sugar free stuff out there I'm afraid to touch because it seems the sugar alcohol seems so high. My nut told me that 5 grams of sugar per serving ... is that regardless of it being sugar or sugar alcohol?
Hi Kim, good question.... I am glad you asked because I have been wondering the same thing. I wanted to buy some sugar-free life saver candy but it had a lot of sugar alcohols. I have heard people say that you can dump on that so I stayed away from them. Someone told me that sugar alcohol is the amount of the sugar substitute that they use. And I have a friend who hasn't had the surgery but eats a lot of sugar free candy and it gives him gas REALLY bad. So that concerns me, if he would get gas what would that do to our litlle pouches??? Hmmmmmm??!?!?!......
Hopefully someone will give us some idea. Cause I would sure love a strawberry cream saver!
oddly enough sugar alcohols are not sugars (or alcohols) so i don't think what we're told about sugar applies to sugar alcohol. HOWEVER, they are carbs, do contain calories and can make people experience dumping syndrome (even so called "normal" people) so you want to watch what you eat and see how you react. A lot of us avoid certain sugar alcohols or avoid large amounts of any sugar alcohols.