seven days and counting
Hey All,
Since it is officially past midnight I can say I have 7 days until surgery.
LOL I don't know what is wrong with me! I don't really feel anything. I am not excited! I am not scared! I just don't think reality has set in yet for me. I am doing WONDERFUL on the liquid fast. Not saying it isn't hard it is! But I am so proud of myself that I haven't cheated one time and I know I'm not going to either. Maybe this is the peace Kathy C. told me about! I have prayed for peace from the Lord and I believe he has given it to me. But, I did think I would be a little more excited. LOL. Who knows! Did anyone else go through that faze? I did go and look at the before and after pics today! I can say I can't wait until mine is up there! Well, I am off to bed I hope it storms good here in ole' Michigan!

Di I am so proud of you sticking to this!! I know its been hard to get started...just remember I am next...LOL
And for the storms here...WOW!!!!!!!! We had one here around 11 pm and there was a ton of lightening and some thunder...some rain also. Lasted about an hour. Was nea****ching the light show!!
Hang in there!!
Hugs Judy
Hey Jude,
OMG I had my pre surgical consult on the phone today! Oh yeah anxiety is not my friend today
I started to freak out! Wondering if I am making the right choice.
If i can really do this. So, I went to lay down and I once again prayed for peace and that this doubt would leave me. When the nurse was explaining what is going to happen how they roll you into the OR and how cold it is. I forgot that. All those anxiety feelings kicked into HIGH gear. I almost started crying.
Lord I pray I can handle this! I know once it is over I will be so happy I did it, it is just getting there that is going to be so hard for me. They also moved my surgery to 9:45 instead of 7:30. That kind of stinks. I was hoping for the earliest so I could just get it over with! Well, Thanks so much for being my angel. You really are an amazing woman Judy and I can't wait to be there and be able to be your support person in return. We are going to rock girl!

Hi Di, I am so excited for you!!! I know that you will do great. What you are going through is what I went through as well. I would say the closer it got, I would find myself being a little more scared but I would just ride out those moments. I prayed, talked to friends, posted here... I did everything I could to remind myself that this was the right decision, and it was. And still is despite the litlle set backs. I am so proud of you that you are doing so well on the liquid diet! I knew that once you got going you would be fine! It really is amazing that for people who love food so much we could get by on all liquids for a lond period of time. Kinda makes you wonder.... what was I thinking about when I was stuffing my face with Big Macs!
I will continue to pray for you that God will give you a peace that passes all understanding. Now and through your surgery. And also that your recovery will be flawless....
What time is your surgery?
Take Care,
Hey there Kathy,
I hope so much that you are feeling better and your CAT scan went ok for you and they find whatever is causing it and it will be an easy fix.
Did you have open or lap?
Today I received my preop phone consult and I started to seriously freak out! Anxiety kicked in full speed ahead.
I started doubting my choices. Wondering if I could go through with this. I wish I just could fast forward to "after" LOL The liquid diet is for sure the hardest thing I have ever done. I MORN food LOL. Well, not anymore but those first few days I did. We stuffed our faces with Big Macs cause they taste so damn good LMAO. However those are the 20 lbs in my ass I need to lose. LOL I did lay down and pray today after I got off the phone because I started to feel my chest hurt, I couldn't breath. It was horrible. So I did pray today for continued peace. I truly hope he continues to bless me with that. My surgery is scheduled for 9:45. So, I have to be there at 7:45. They are giving me drugs YEAH!!!!! LOL Well, you take care of yourself girl. I truly pray all went well for you today!

Hi Diane:
Keep up the good work! Wow - I don't know if I'll be able to make it through a two-week fast with my raging appetite. I hope I'm just behind you and Judy. I am going to the surgeon's today, and will hopefully get more information about my surgery date. I am hoping and praying that I can have it on July 30 - that will give me three full weeks to recover before I go back to school. I think I'm going to have the duodenal switch, and this doc does it lap, so the recovery time should be about the same as with RNY.
Thinking about ya, neighbor,
Julie in Ludington
Hey Julie,
Thanks so much for the encouragement. The liquid fast is hard I am not going to lie to you. However, I know the reason why I need to do this. Not only to shrink my liver but also because I needed to prove to myself that I could live this life style. Now it is not so bad. I still am hungry I can tell you little tricks that save me. When I want to chew something I eat a SF popsicle. I chew that. When I am STARVING is when I drink my protein shake (i only have 2 a day since they are 31 grams of protein) To feel like a dinner I do Mrs. Grass chicken soup without the noodles of course. So i spoon the broth into my mouth instead of drinking it. THAT helps alot. Then I just drink crystal lite and water during the day. The hard part for me is cooking for my family and not being able to eat. So this week the kids are on tv dinners. LMAO poor little things. Let us know ASAP when you are having your surgery and where. I imagine it will be somewhere close enough to me that I would LOVE to take a ride down to visit! Hope your appointment went well today!