Open vs. Lap
Dr. Wood says I'm a candidate for laparoscopic RNY, which what I was hoping. But I'm curious what your thoughts on it are? Has anyone had Dr. Wood do the lap procedure and how'd it go. I'm thinking lap for recovery purposes, less scarring and less change of hernia. What are your thoughts? Maybe there are cons I don't know about....I know usually longer time under anethesia (spelled wrong),anything else?( I have had gallbladder surgery open and he said if there's too much scar tissue he can't get around he would have to convert to open.)
To be perfectly honest I had open because I wanted the micropouch. They can't do that Lap yet so that was not an option for me personally. Also I know the chances of being told you have to lose XXXlbs before surgery are MUCH greater when getting it done lap. I didn't have to lose one ounce before surgery (although he did tell me that 10lbs would help ME for surgery) and that was ok with me. The pain was not all that bad and my incision was glued shut so I have a very thin pencil line scar and didn't have to worry about staples even though it was open.
Good luck with whatever you chose!
It's six of one half dozen of the other anymore. I wanted my cutter inside and looking around and to make my pouch as small as possible so I went open. That was 2 years ago. Now he and Dr. Kole can do it lap and make the pouch super small - as small as mine.
I was open and on the table for 42 minutes as opposed to lap back then would be about two hours. Now lap time is lower by about half.