Back from the hospital.. Again!
Hi Everone, I am home from the hospital. I had some problems in that I continued to ooze blood in my stomach which formed a blood clot. It isn't the type of clot that can go to your lungs or anything, it is more like a bruise. Although, I have NEVER had a brusie that hurt this bad!!! Also, because there was bleeding in there I got an infection in my stomach. So I had to be admitted for almost 2 days and they treated it with antibiotics. I will have to be on oral antibiotics for 10 more days, and on Monday I have another cat-scan, and see my surgeon. The thing that sucks is that I still have pain! I am on pain medication but until the antibotics kill the bugs I will have pain I guess. So they tell me. Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes and said prayers for me. I sure needed them. If you could contunue to pray that the Cat Scan will come back normal I would appreciate it! I am a little down but I know that God will take care of me. I am ready to be whole and healthy.
God Bless,
Diane M, I got your E-mail I am just to tired to sit at the computer...So I will reply when I am feeling better. Thanks for the thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. I will be praying for your upcoming day too!!!
Kathy, So glad you're home and you found out what was wrong. It's too bad, because I know things were going pretty darn smooth before that. But thank goodness, they figured it out and they will be able to take care of it. I wish you the best and will pray that the next scan will be fine. Hang in're one of the people I'm watching the progress of, since I haven't scheduled my surgery yet. Again, you're in my prayers.---Patty