Itching oh my goodness.
We went to fireworks last nite and I thought I just had a few bites. Well this afternoon most of my body became huge welts and itching like crazy. Has anyone had anything like this? When my husband came home from work I had him stop and get some benadryl and it seems to be helping some. I am sure it will take a few times to get all better. It has helped for a couple of hours and seems to be taking the swelling down but still itching some. I did call my surgeon and he said it would be ok to take. Thanks for being here. Your all the very best. Wishing all a wonderful 4th of July too.
Hugs Debbie M
My dear Debbie:
I'm soooooooo sorry to hear this but call the good doc () and he'll tell you what's wrong or what to do. I'm here for you 24/7 even though I'm heading right through HL this afternoon and won't be bac****il the 12th-- I'll have internet @ Mom's.
In the meantime, soak in a tub of oatmeal to relieve the itching. It sounds gross but oatmeal does work. I had hives myself when I was younger and that was what my Mom used. You may be able to find some Aveeno Bath beads that contain oats.
Big hugs to you my sis and to Mike also.
Your lil' angel