Hey Tami
Hey!!! It was awesome meeting you and your wonderful hubby! I also love getting to meet people from the board. It is so nice to put an actual person with the words on a message board. Theresa got to come to the show on Sunday with her hubby Mike! I hope you had fun with your family! Glad we did not get the weather they were calling for on Saturday.
You look soooo good! I like your picture. That looks like you now!! I would have never recognized you!!! Could see the look of pride in your DH's face. He is one proud hubby!!!
Hope to get together with you again. Call when you come up this way! Maybe we can get Theresa to join us next time!!!
Take Care!!
That would be so cool. This year I do not have a lot of trips planned up there but I might be going up in August or September for a weekend and I will keep you posted on when I go there. I love going up to Arnies and shopping when I am there. My Mom is talking about moving up there. If she does then I can come and see you girls often.