This is WAY cool! Some WOW moments.....
Well first of all, I'm doing great. I'm down 125 lbs and feeling WOW.
Last Sunday I had one person come up and ask me if I was the same person. Another told me that she told her DH that I reminded her of some friends of theirs... he laughed when he told her it WAS me. Then Monday night another told me that she'd seen me on Monday but didn't know who I was until she saw me that evening with my DH.
My other WOW is that Monday night, my DH and I started ballroom dance lessons. We'll do stuff like the cha cha, tango and salsa too but I am SOOOO hyped! I would have NEVER done this 125 lbs ago!
In the Zoo

Thanks Theresa! Actually, it's something we've been talking about doing this for three years. We're on the marriage leadership team at our church and it was our committee that decided to offer this to married people in our community. Being on the leadership team means we have to attend. It was a little push that we needed.
In October our church hosts a marriage retreat and this year we're going to have a ballroom dance function too.
Sheryl ... who'd invite you to the classes if you lived closer.
In the Zoo