dreams and egg drop soup
Hi All, No, I was not dreaming of egg drop soup..two different questions.
1. I start stage 3 tomorrow. Is it okay to have egg drop soup??
2. I had the most upsetting dreams last night..they seemed to go on all night and were very realistic and upsetting (about loved ones I have lost in the past)... I woke up really emotional and very upset... I even started crying over all of it. (My poor husband).. did anyone else have things like this happen? I wonder if it could be the hormones releasing or something... I just feel very emotional today...
Okay.. i have one more question. Does the fat content of something make you sick or is it just the carbs and sugar? I was just thinking about down the road....(as I was thinking about the egg drop soup...which is all I would attempt at this point) and I told my husband that I would be a cheap date because I could eat just his egg roll and cup of soup and be overly full...then I wondered about the egg roll.. and if that would make me sick because it was fried...
I'm learning, but still have tons of questions... !
Sorry to hear about your bad dreams. I think it's your "higher being"'s way of telling you that you have something to work out. You'll figure it out!
You can get sick on the fat content as well as carbs and sugar, so I wouldn't attempt anything with too much fat. Be careful with the eggroll, because they are fried in fat, it could make you dump. If you try it, do it at home so you can lay down or whatever you need to do to get over it.
Good luck!
the soup was okay for me but everyone's surgeon/nutritionalist seems to differ on their plans so you really should check with your professionals.
i was told the intense dreams were a side effect of the anesthesia. Even weeks after the surgery. It's happened to me after both my recent surgeries.
some people dump from eating sugar. some dump from eating fat. Some people dump from eating either. some can eat either or both with no trouble.
a lot of us dump from sugar alcohols as well. as a matter of fact non-WLS people can get dumping syndrome from sugar alcohols.
i dump sometimes from sugar sometimes from fat, but sometimes i can eat either one or both with no problems. i never know when it's gonna get me. lol.
egg rolls can be difficult as they're usually very greasy, heavy and contain lots of carbs.
i do eat a spring/egg roll (or half of one****asionally but even now (almost one year out) i almost always regret it later.
be careful. at your stage add to your food choices carefully so when something makes you sick, you know what it was and cause minimal discomfort to yourself. and remember, what bothers you today, might not bother you in a few months. and what doesn't bother you today... you will be tired of in a few months so beware of stocking up on jellos and puddings etc. i've known a few people have made that mistake and lived to regret it.