Back to square one, OK.
I am in better spirits about going back to my primary and starting a documented diet. Thanks to all of you that posted I have learned even more about this process and the politics that come with the insurance companies. So a little advice to anyone just starting out that has Blue Care Network of Michigan, just change insurance companies. It is a long knock out battle to the end. But, keep coming back here because the people here are wonderful. Thanks again
I replied to your previous post but I didn't mention the "Center of Excellence" that BCN is going to be implementing. As of July 1st, we who have BCN will only be able to go to a "Center of Excellence" for our surgery. This does not include the National Center of Excellence either. BCN has developed their own guidelines for us to follow and the "Centers of Excellence" have not been determined yet. Last I heard the only one that was a definate was the hospital in Grand Rapids. I know the news only gets better. Hopefully by the time you get done with your documented dieting they will have a more complete list and things will actually go better for us. As for me....I'M STILL PENDING. I've been pending since last Monday. Hopefully I will be Approved! Keep your head up.
Hi Tammy,
I was surprised to see a familiar face on here. Sorry to hear about your problems with BCN. My mom also had that insurance. She ended up having to do the in person appeal. They still denied her. So finally she gave in and switched to the same insurance I have. They turned in my paperwork on Friday and I had a phone call that Monday with good news. She had the same results. I have MCare. But I think they too have increased their time requirements for documented dieting. So I don't really know what to tell you. Just try to be patient. If ya wanna talk, ya know where I am, or just drop me a line.