Considering MGB, just have a few questions (a few meaning a TON ).
Before I ask any questions I feel I should say a little about myself to help you guys answer my questions.
Im 17 and don't have any sort of insurance. My parents have insurance but I'm not sure that would be of any help to me if I wanted to get the MGB. And this is why I'm looking for a cheaper MGB, I've read in plenty places that the average cost is 17,000. which is alot seeing as I havnt even completely got my parents to approve of this decision in the first place. I've been obese for most of my childhood and have trouble breathing and tons of back pain. I am also run down constantly, and feel so tired all the time that when my family lets me get away with it, I sleep for 3-4 days and wake up more tired than before I fell asleep. Tons of health problems, as is normal with obesity and tons more that just come as perks ( :sniff:). Ive been on more diets my entire life than most adults can even think about commiting to. Ive tried weigh****chers, atkins, 6wbmo and TONS more and have lost weight with one or two diets, only to gain it back ten-fold.
I just want to know the risks and other stuff that goes along with the Mini Gastric Bypass. Are there any other surgeries that I would need to go through after the MGB? I've also heard of people needing breast/butt lifts and tummy tucks after the weight loss, is there any way this can be avoided. Like for instance Ive heard if you exorcise then you wont have that issue.
Also, any tips on how to convince my parents to let me get this procedure done would be great. I've currently only told them that I am looking into an alternative way to lose weight cause every single diet ive tried (trust me thats ALOT!!!) has never done anything for me, i mean I lost some weight...and gained it back plus some. So technically they know nothing about the fact that I'm looking into "surgery" as the alternative way.
I also wanted to know if someone could please recommend me to a really good Doctor/surgeon for a consultation (including my parents) so that they can explain to my parents that this procedure is the right one for me (or not) and give me more information on it. Around my area ofcoarse.
I live in Taylor Mi, 48180 and anything near that (i.e Brownstown, Dearborn, Detroit, St. Claire Shores, Romulus, Bloomfield, etc.) would be great.
Thank you in advance for all of your help.
I'm not sure of the long term on mini gastric although I have heard that the success rate is not yet like RNY. There are different RNY types and they have various rates of success but the biggest factor is you and your support system. I was lucky and found all the right pieces of the puzzle and have had great success with little in the way of problems. I am considered pretty lucky. There are big risks associated with WLS and you need to know all of them.
As for insurance your parents coverage may work depending on the carrier. The doctors office will help you with that.
Risks - You could die from the surgery or one or more of the big complications that come from it. Blood clots an pneumonia are the two biggest killers. There are a bunch of other less serious complications but they can also do you in especially if you get them in combination. Infection being a major catalyst in death rates also.
Other risks are seroma, hernia, sepsis, mild infection, bowel obstruction etc. Your doctor will go over it with you.
As for me, I lost 180 lbs and have had to have to procedures to take off the extra skin. I'm home recovering from one right now. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. I would do it every year if I had to.
Now for a commercial-
My Dr. is Michael Schuhknecht through St. John Riverview. His office is 586-276-8130
He works with another surgeon named Dr. Kole. Both are very cool doctors and have a lot of experience. What you need to do is get your parents in on this and have them go with you to meet surgeons. Go to seminars and see what is out there. You can't do this on your own and because of your age - I know you don't want to hear this - you will have to jump through some extra hoops to make it happen. You can't do this alone.
I know I sound like a teacher when I write. Because I am. I'm two years out and I talk to a lot of folks about WLS. Here's a link to an article. My doc no longer works through CORI though and I no longer endorse their program.
Good luck.
Hi Amna!
Welcome to the OH Board and this is a great place to gather information and support! You, like many of us, have been obese most of your childhood and it sounds like you have fought it in as many ways as possible, and then some, to no avail. Most of us waited around til we had bad co-morbidities like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, joint problems, etc. and we all WISH we would have gone for the WLS so much sooner!! You are taking the "bull by the horns" so to speak by investigating this option and being pro-active in your health. You're smart.
I think your first step would be to talk to your parents candidly about your thoughts, have them visit this site, maybe set up an appt. with a surgeon. The first thing they do is have you (and your folks) come to a meeting where they discuss in detail the what will be done, the risks, etc. My husband wasn't sure about me having this at all...he was apprehensive, but after our meeting with the surgeon, he felt very at ease and was all for it. And you know, they do the procedure laproscopically now, which means they go in with tiny little incisions in six different places and do it that way, so not nearly as much pain or scarring. As far as your parents insurance, have them call the number on the back of your insurance card and they will tell you if this type of surgery is covered. Your surgeon's office will also know. If you call them and tell them what kind of insurance you have, they will tell you if it's covered. Alot of insurances do cover the surgery, and actually the tummy tuck afterward if it's needed, if you are at least a year out from WLS and have lost at least 100 lbs. At your age, I'd almost bet that everything "bounces back" after you lose the weight. It's us that are 40+ that have more excess skin. But you never know. I don't know your weight or cir****tances.
As for surgeons, I went to Dr. Carlin at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit and their program is wonderful! Although I don't think they do the Mini Gastric Bypass. I just had the regular RNY procedure and have lost 125 lbs! Many on this board have had the mini and are doing wonderful too. Click on some profiles (just click on someones name, and you can read their profile) and you will see their surgeons, etc., plus I know you will get alot of responses to this post.
Finally, I'd like to commend you on being pro-active and taking your health into your own hands! This procedure can make a big difference in your health and your life in general! But above all else, speak to your folks....I'm sure they know what you have been going thru, mentally and physically, and I'll bet they will at least listen to what you have to say. It's important to have support. If your Mom or Dad would like to talk to any of us, please have them come on this site and ask questions...we will be very honest with them and give them as much info as we can. Good luck to you and keep us posted!!! Hugs, Theresa

Amna--i cant add anything to the two wise people who have already responded......except to say how wise you are at your age to think about getting a handle on your weight.......i was heavy all my life and the only thing i regret is that i didnt have my surgery sooner so that i could embrace life......i wish you everything good and that your path becomes clear to you.......if i can be of any help to you--just email --i am one of Dr. Schuhknecht's patients- and just love him and he did a great job for me.........i wish you all the best.hug rae
I just starting hanging out at this site too, and it's a great bunch of people who are amazingly supportive!
I again can't add much to their wisdom, as I haven't even had the surgery, but as a person whose adult life has been marred so much by my weight issues, I'm really proud of you for wanting to take control of your life now! Good luck!
Hi there. You didn't mention how much you have to lose. Do you have 100 pounds or more to lose? I have a little different take on this. If you have A LOT of weight to lose, then I'd say absolutely.....thoroughly (and I mean THOROUGHLY) investigate weight loss surgery. Do your research, there is tons and tons of information all over the web regarding WLS. Do a google search and you'll find lots of info ( a lot of this site). If you have less than 100 pounds (or even around 100 lbs), I, personally, wouldn't even recommend this surgery at your age! You have to know it is not an easy way out. Read all you can....the good, the bad...and the ugly! I understand your parent's reluctance, so definately get them involved with your research and if and when you go to any seminars and/or consultations with a surgeon. This surgery is serious business.......yes, it changes lives....usually for the better.....but there are many, many risks and possible complications, and I just feel that at your age, you should try to do it without surgery, if you can. Again, I realize I don't know your whole story or how overweight you are, but......I'd be leary. Sorry, I know it's not what you want to hear, but it's just my two cents worth.
I completely understand where your coming from Patty, and your completely right about the risks and whatnot. I don't have 100 pounds to lose, only 70 really, but this is after years of trying and dieting and doing nothing but obsessing over my health for as long as I can remember. In my family surgery for weightloss is just out of the question, unnecessarry, and just odd. Seeing as being obese is a genetic thing in my family and everyone basicly is overweight and isnt willing to do much about it, its a little difficult for me to have any motivation or support in this, so thats why I'm doing all of this research. I've been trying for so long to lose weight and have been basicly losing the battle so to speak, that it seems like this is the only way to get a handle on my life, healthwise sort of.
I value your opinion because its a very knowledgeable and sensible one. And your care and support means alot to me, and that goes for everyone who has replied to this thread so far and the support to come! You guys are awesome! Im so lucky I fell upon this site, its the best thing thats happned to me in a very long time!
Thanks so much!!!
Have you tried any medically supervised programs or Medical Weight Loss, Jenny Craig, etc.? I have been struggling with my weight for many years now, and I'm at this decision reluctantly, for a variety of reasons.....I feel it may be my only way. But I'm a lot older than you and have much more weight to lose. ANd, even with me, if some things in my life were different, I wouldn't be considering WLS, which I think is such a drastic and last resort decision. But at 17, sweetie, I would try and try again, everything I could think of, to avoid this surgery. I know 70 pounds feels like a lot of weight to lose (and it is), but if you could do it on your own, you'd be so much better off. Have you really tried everything and really been super committed? (becasue if you have the surgery, you still need to be committed for life....or you'll gain it back) Only you know whether or not you've given it your all. I know I would sometimes complain that I just couldn't get the weight off, but if I was totally honest with myself, I knew I wasn't giving it my all and I wasn't exercising the way I should be, etc., etc. Or I couldn't keep it up for long enough of a time. I go off the diet, gain, then lose again.... all typical for overweight people. I haven't run across anyone of this site who doesn't say they'd do it again in a split second, but this site is very pro WLS. Even the people who went thru horrible things, still say they'd do it again. But that's 'cause they made it thru....know what I mean?!?! (I'm not sure a bariatic surgeon would operate on you at your age and with 70 lbs to lose, but....), I'm heading down the path of WLS, but I wish I wasn't. I'm scared to death, but again, I feel like I HAVE to do this. You're so young and comparatively speaking, don't have so much to lose. You need to consider this very seriously, which I believe you are., but I would encourage anyone your age to hold off and try your darndest to do it without the surgery. Be honest with yourself and if you truly, deeply believe it's physically and emotionally IMPOSSIBLE for you to accomplish this on your own, then and only then would I even begin to consider this surgery.
Well, I read what you said and it makes complete sense that WLS should be avoided unless absolutely necesarry. So I've come up with a pretty basic plan for myself, to not only give myself time to think more about this decision but to also help give me more piece of mind. Im going to try one of those Medical weight loss programs once again. If it doesnt work (as usual) I'll then reconsider the WLS. But hopefully if the program works, well I won't need to think twice about any sort of WLS again.
The reason why Im so anti- this idea is because of the fact that I've tried so much and almost everything and anything that came my way to lose weight so far, and nothing has ever worked. Not even a little, not even enough to motivate me further to keep going. I mean losing water weight and losing it fast is the best part of every diet I've ever done, you get so excited and so motivated you can't wait to lose the next pound....but then it all just stops and your stepping it up a couple notches every other day to get those results again, and not only just THOSE results....any results would be great. But it just stops, as if your body won't let you lose anymore. Im so sick of trying and trying and always getting to the point that you can't take it anymore (emotionally) and you start crying and quit.
Im just hoping that I can find a really good program to stick with and not have to worry about the huge - can't lose weight - issues anymore. If anyone has any ideas please post them here.
Also, I do have a few requests.....I (more like my parents) have a problem with eating any meat that isnt "Halal" this sort of means kosher but more in a Muslim way. I personally could care less, but my parents will not let me eat any sort of meat (i.e chicken, beef, muttan and pork [can't eat pork either way] etc.) If someone could please find me a program that has Halal meat in the menu that would be amazing. Im also looking into some sort of fat camp. Ive heard of camps like that during the summer that are kind of like boot camp, kind of like being forced to lose weight. If anyone could also give me some info on that I'd be gratefull. Ofcoarse I will also be searching on my own, but seeing all the support you've given me so far.....I know this is the best place to ask if any.
Many thanks to all of you again, you guys are incredible!!! :love: