Hey people in OH Land!
In case anyone is wondering...I just wanted to pop in and say I have done great all week...no falls off the "good-eating" wagon, and am happy to say I am losing once again! I can't tell you how good that feels! Thank you one and all for all of your support! I love ya!
"I am woman, hear me roar...." (are you singing along???)
Hugs, Theresa
P.S. Kev, if you are singing along, I'm a little worried!!
Oh, to have little babies around again! I remember one song inparticular....
"Have patience, have patience, don't be in such a hurry.
If you get impatient, you only start to worry
Remember, remember, that God is patient too and
Think of all the times when others have to wait for you"!
I loved that one! In fact, I'd sing it to them when they even were teenagers and screaming around the house getting read for school in the mornings! They hated that!
Thanks so much for the support Jen! I pray every day I continue on losing, so far so good. How are you doing? Hope you are doing well!
Hugs, Theresa
Congrats Theresa! Keep up the good work!
I myself have the songs to my son's Nemo book..... "Two cool dudes that Crush once knew, an orange striped one and a blue one too, swam all around looking high and low for a little du-uuu-ude who's called Nemo."
Sorry, it had to get out. I tried to keep it in, but it refused and fought me every word of the way.
Good for you Theresa
I've alway peek in on the OH board but don't write to offten .But love to see what your up to .I remember awail back you telling everyone to stay away from the sugar
You have given me strength to keep out of that zone of no return .
Glad to hear things are working out for you .Keep up the good work!!!!God Bless Sue