Sorry for your disappointing day. I have found out in this quest that there can be a lot of disappointments. I also had a bad day. I went to my psych evaluation to find out that no one called my insurance to see if the testing was covered, so they postponed my appointment and will call when it can be rescheduled. I am really frustrated too. It seems like you try to do everything right and at every corner..bam..another wall to hurdle. I stopped into the HBC to see if they had received any of my missing documentation yet to find out that my doctor really didn't document my diet very well. I told them that my PCP will write a letter if needed. They said after the psychological evaluation gets done they still will submit it to the insurance company and just see.
Again, I am sorry that your big day is now Wednesday. Do you think your cart is still sitting at Walmart?
Best wishes,

We just got back from round two at Walmart and nope... our cart was gone. We did wander down the frozen aisle looking for popsicles and joked that the phone would ring again with another delay. Praise GOD it did not happen!!
We've got all the goods now... hubby forgot cat food so he's heading back while I pick up a few things around the house and figure out what to do tomorrow to stay busy.
I am sorry about the delay with the Psych eval. It seems to me like they would have done that when you were mailed your confirmation of the appointment. If I were to have the insurance pay, I would have to pay $300 because I had not met all my deductibles yet for the year. So I just paid out of pocket for my evaluation, which was $170 if I remember correctly.
If HBC said that they didn't need all the docs, they are probably right. Renee and Lynn know their stuff and are very efficient in making things happen. The same with Jill. I have never worked with people in the medical field that have their stuff together more than these girls!
My entire experience has been awesome. The only hurdle was this hurdle and that could not be helped. I feel so bad for Dr. Farhan losing his father - that breaks my heart.
Had this delay been due to a clerical error or something of that nature, it would be an entirely different story.
Brandee, Oh my heart was broken when I saw the title of your message, But I want you to know that I woke up at 5 Am this morning and for some reason you were on my mind, so I started to pray for you. I know that it seems like FOREVER but it will be here before you know it. And you will be sooooooooooooo happy once it gets here. Just remember God has a plan, and maybe this was his way of working his miracles!! I am keeping you in my prayers. And also your surgeon as well. Hang in there girlie~
Love, Kathy
P.S. Email me if you need to talk at [email protected]
Brandee, I would like to say I'm sorry that your surgery was posponed. I can only imagine how much of a let down it was for you and hubby. I have my orenitation on June 26 (monday). I can't wait to have mine done. Just remember kiddo, everything happens for a reason. Try to think of the person that was the emergency that cancelled your surgery. I'm a nurse and know how emergencie s can be. Hope all goes well for you, I will say a prayer. Take care and God bless. AmyB