Well... I have been postponed.
Gordon and I were at Walmart tonight getting things I'd need at the hospital and when I get home when my cell phone went off saying I had voice mail. A man called there has been an emergency and my surgeon had to cancel me for tomorrow morning. I was crushed. We left the cart where we were and left the store. I was a mess... About an hour and a half later after trying to figure out who to call back to confirm this voice mail (since no return phone number was left) I talked to a lady in the surgery department who confirmed there had been an emergency with my surgeon and things had to change. Indeed I was NOT going to have surgery on Monday morning. At least I got to talk to a person...
Now it looks like I am a GO for Wednesday morning at 7 a.m. I have to talk to my surgeon's office tomorrow to firm things up a bit. I am so sad... I was so ready to walk in there tomorrow morning... {{{SIGH}}} I guess what's two more days, eh?
I would have posted a bit earlier, but Gordon and I had to go for a drive. We were both pretty upset. Not angry... but just disappointed I guess.
Please say a prayer that there are no other delays and everything goes smoothly from here on out.
Brandee ~ hang in there. things happen for a reason. If it's a personal emergency for the surgeon, I'd rather wait until s/he has a steady hand and over the trauma.
FWIW, I was on the table, iv in and my surgery was cancelled. It was about 6 weeks later that I was rescheduled. Was I upset.... no. Disappointed...... a little. Mostly because I was all psyched up and it took 5 pokes to get that stupid iv.
HOWEVER.... and ask most of the people here, I was a champ about it. I KNEW that it was an answer to prayer. For some reason, I was not meant to have surgery that day and I firmly believe that my life would have been at risk had I had it that day. Although a 6 week delay (a pre-op test had not been completed) I am now past it - 6 months out infact and doing great.
In a few days you'll be joining us on the losing side.
In the Zoo
Simone and Sheryl,
Thank you for the encouragement. I know this is all part of the big picture and although I may not see it now... I will. I called my mom and best friend from Big Rapids and cried... and hubby was there with me too. Sad yes... but like you said, if there was an emergency, it was for a good reason. I think the hardest part was hunting down someone who could confirm the message I received.
In any event, I have some phone calls to make and figure tomorrow I can clean house and then on Tuesday (prep day) start psyching myself up again. All in due time...
I really appreciate knowing I have all of you to lift me up when I am blue and dance along side of me when I am happy.
((((Brandee)))) I am so sorry that you were post-poned for tomorrow! But look on the bright side...Its only a couple more days NOT months!! I know how disappointed you are...I feel sad for you...but I am also happy that you are almost a loser!! I want to be there too on the losers bench so bad!!
Will keep you in my prayers and thoughts!! Hang in there!!
God Bless You!!
Thank you, Judy!
Two days is no biggie really. I told Gordon tomorrow after I get things straightened out at my surgeon's office, I'd go handle the paperwork changes (my disability papers from work will need to be resigned, etc) and talk to my boss.
I felt like the rug was pulled out from under me when we listened to that voice mail message. Those things worth having are worth fighting for and in this case... worth waiting for. Two more days won't be so bad.

I don't post much on here I just kinda watch and learn from everyone but when I seen POSTPONED I actually felt your
dissapointment.It's hard to get yourself psyched up for this (Your scared,happy,worried )and finally your ready then you have to do it all over again on tuesday night.I just had to let you know that there are people on here who care and are going through it with you,your not alone!!

You are right, Sunflower, feeling scared, happy, worried... all of that takes such a toll on us that when the plan suddenly changes the only thing - well okay, in my case - the only thing I could do was
and I sure as heck did not want to do that in the frozen food aisle at Walmart!
I still feel a little
- but at this point I know I'll be okay.
I just read your profile and please know that you can come here and vent any time. We may not have all the answers, but there are some pretty darn good shoulders here to lean on for support. I speak from EXPERIENCE that people here really know how to make a girl feel better when she is blue.
Thank you for sending your love... it means a lot to me! God be with you...