Theresa Wagner
Hi Girlie,
Yeah, I kind of knew it was you. You were awesome! The Margarita maker rocks. Although, after my drunken, 20 year reunion weekend, I am taking a little break from my partying and alcohol consumption..
Thanks for giving me something to look forward to every month. You really are the best.
Hi Terri!
You are most welcome!!!
Yeah, I figured you knew I was your secret pal since I made the mistake of thinking our post office did not do the postmark...I thought since it went thru Saginaw, that was gonna be the postmark. Where I got that idea, I'll never know! Oh well...I still enjoyed sending you things and I hope you enjoyed them. It was great fun and you deserve it!
Have a great rest of the summer!
Hugs, Theresa (wow, it's fun to FINALLY sign my name to a post to you!)