Small news for some, but incredible for me!!!
I recently re-committed to my pouch (some of you know I've been struggling with weight gain) and I have lost 3 lbs since Tuesday! In the WLS scheme of things, this may sound insignificant, but for me, who has been going in the "other direction" for a while, I am SO happy to see it go the other way! Stress can do wicked things so be careful post-oper's, but just follow your plan and all will go well.
Just patting myself on the back....I know I'm going to be successful...I can feel it!!!
Love ya, Theresa
(P.S. You know, I figure by acknowledging and taking control of this, and by announcing it here, in front of all my friends, it's the first step to success! Hurray! Wish me luck!)
Thank you Linda! You've been such a support and inspiration to me! It's so funny, people sometimes will tell me how I've inspired them, and that seems impossible to me, especially when everyone here has been such and inspiration to ME! But that's what we're here for, right? SUPPORT! Thanks again and hey, post some pics! We want to see the new incredible YOU! Congratulations on your tremendous success and I really hope to meet you someday! Hugs, Theresa
You are the one who inspired me the most! When I started here in the pre approval bcn hell, i watched as you had your surgery and finally your tt. You are the one who pushed me and helped me through everything. So thank you to you for being so kind and helping me to get where i am today. As for the pics, i just need to get a camera and my profile will be filled with pictures LOL. Do you ever get down this way? I would love to meet you.
Good for you. Every pound is important. When you get this far out on your journey, three pounds is a big step. Congratulations. I have had to jump-start myself a few times too. I really want to jump-start my exercise program, if I could ever get rid of this nagging cold/sinus crap and get back in the pool.
Keep up the good work.