Free protein..Clinton Twp!
Hello Michiganders!
I'm moving out of Michigan and I have a lot of protein supplements that I have tried and not tolerated... I would love to give the unused supplements to someone who will use them. I have a case of AchievOne Vanilla drinks (missing one of course), a large AnyWhey protein powder container that I think I have taken 3 scoops out of, and 1 box of each flavor of Power Crunch wafer bars (cookies N cream, Peanut butter, Triple Fudge, and Vanilla Cream). Each other of Power Crunch boxes is missing one or two bars. I'm not asking for payment for these, just that you come pick em up. Funny how long it took me to realize that whey protein doesn't agree with me
If you are interested please email me at OMGORZ at comcast dot net and I will get back to you asap.
Take care!