Tomorrow is my BIG day!
Well tomorrow is the big day. My stomach has been in knots for a couple days now. Either I am nervous or my stomach is completely rejecting all these protein drinks. I want so much to be excited like I was the day I found out I was approved, but I have a million emotions right now and excitement isn't really one of them!! LOL
In my heart I know that I will be fine. Being that I have never had any surgeries I have no idea what to expect. I haven't even been admitted into the hospital before so this is all new territory for me. So everyone please pray for me and I will see you all on the losers side!
Love, Kathy
Kathy, when I woke up, I kinda lifted my head and looked down because my foot was hurting so bad (position) but my stomach felt .... nothing. I was even wondering if they had even operated or if it was stopped because something was wrong with my foot.
I felt so good that I probably only used my pain pump a few times. Later you'll feel sore but with meds it's tolerable. I've had an open cholecystectomy, 2 c-sections and my lap RNY. The RNY was much easier even though I'm older. Even though I had trouble with the floor nurses, the recovery and surgical people were fantastic. The worst for me was not the actual having to drink the barium stuff (Saber uses something that is clear an only a small med cup and it's not bad) but having to stand upright on the ledge of an upright table to take a pic of it going through me to check for leaks. I was still shaky from everything and just wanted to lay down. That my foot was numb didn't help. IOW Kathy, you'll do great! The first week or two are the hardest in adjusting and the binder he gives you helps enormously!
The million emotions and are N-O-R-M-A-L. Let go and let God give you His peace. Remember..... I Am _______________.
Love Sheryl
Sheryl, THANKYOU SOOOOOO Much for reminding me that HE is whoever I need him to be!!! That made me cry and I actually think broke this fear the minute I read it! What was I thinking?!??!?! All this time Pastor has been preaching that, and I just now got it....
I will be in my word most of the day today! Thanks so much you have no idea how much that helped me.
I will be calling you later cause I have a question about the wonderful bowel prep. I tried calling Pat but she hasn't gotten back to me.
I am getting off of work around 2 or so and I will call you then.
Thanks again for everything!!
Love ya, Kathy
My stomach also was in knots, I was nervous and I had very little support. (my dad was terminally ill so neither of my parents could be with me, I have limited friends here and the girl who was going to stay with me backed out just 2 weeks prior)............
So....with that said, take in a deep breath, know that Angels will surround you and protect you and the surgeon and his team, and that when you come out you will be a brand new woman who has much to live for, be thankful for and remember that this was a choice we all made to live a longer happier healthier life, so be strong, and be in the moment that this is a miracle for you that will provide you the tools you need to be what you desire to be.
My hugs, prayers, thoughts and well wishes along with a big old 'WELCOME TO THE LOSING SIDE" ...WELL, that one awaits you out of surgery but the rest is yours any time any place girl!
Hugs my friend in the Zoo
Stacey wishing she were living permanently in the zoo.
I used to be on the board quite a bit but have not lately. However, when I read your post and it took me right back to the day before my surgery and felt the need to post
. I was a wreck too but know that you will be fine! I had second thoughts right up until I walked through the doors at the hospital. I had never had surgery either so everything was all new to me. I just listened to my heart and it told me to do this for me and I never looked back. I am down now 140 pounds and have a whole new outlook on life. It is an amazing journey. Good luck to you and I will pray for you tomorrow!
340/199 /175
I am so excited for you! You will go through alot of emotions during this process. It's ok. You WILL be fine. I will be praying for you. I can understand that you would be nervous, especially never going through anything like this. I had had several other surgeries to compare to, and it's still that sense of the unknown. Someone IS in control and already knows the outcome. God has a plan for you!
I look forward to seeing you on the losing side!
Love and prayers,