Just updating!!
Hello everyone! I am now 1 month and 2 days out and have lost 41lbs. I only have one problem. I cannot find a protein drink I like and everything makes me sick. I have tried everything and nothing seems to stay down if I drink it. Any suggestions would be great. Even through all of this vomitting I would do this again in a heartbeat it is the most wonderful thing ever! Stacy
Hi Stacy,
I am still a pre-op (at least for a few days)... but I did purchase Any Whey and Nectar Fuzzy Navel on the advice of others on this board to try and see if I liked it. I DO... they are really good. I made my husband down a glass of Nectar Fuzzy Navel mixed with orange flavored Crystal Lite and he agreed that is was pretty good. (okay, he said he could tolerate it). I purchased them through this web site... you may want to give them a try.
I too had a very hard time with protein drinks. I FINALLY found one that I love but it is pricy. I see it that I am not spending the money on food so it isn't that bad in the end. It is called Isopure Zero Carb ready to drink. In 20oz it has 40g of protein and it counts toward your water intake too! GNC is the one store I know carrys them. Here is a link http://www.naturesbest.com/index.html?section=Shopping&id=3004&catSec=208&pid=17666&-sessi
on=thisSession:B4BAD72C61D54E956587D2E36AA69220 I like them too because they don't have that "protein aftertaste" and they come in several different flavors.
Congrats on the weight loss and keep up the good work!
I have tried all of them except Passion Fruit (they didn't have it). I really liked them all but my absolute FAVORITE is Apple Melon! If it is really cold (to me) it tastes more like melon and as it gets warm it tends to taste like sour apple. The Blue Raspberry and Orange Pineapple Banana both have a bit of a tartness to them that you get after you swallow(and I am not too fond of that) but they are still okay to drink IMO. I do not like anything grape and I actually enjoyed the grape. The Alpine Punch and Icy Orange didn't really have alot of flavor to me.