support groups
We hold a support group for the chelsea/Ann Arbor area once a month. Lizzie B is the one who sets these up. They are usually on Friday nights at 7pm. Last meeting was at Panera Bread on Jackson Rd. Keep an eye on the board or email Lizzie B and ask her. We would love for you to come join us!!
Hi Brian! Shannon's right, we'd all be so happy to meet you! My husband always comes, and Katie's comes if he doesn't have to work...and you're welcome to bring your wife/SO/friends, anyone you know who's pre-op or post-op that would also like to come...we're a "friends & family" friendly kind of group . July 7th will be our next meeting, perhaps at Panera Bread on Jackson Rd., near Zeeb Rd. We always kind of take a vote on where to meet, so if anyone would like to try something new, we're up for it. Panera Bread was very nice this past month, and they have a good variety to choose from. So please consider joining us and any input you'd like to give is WELCOME!
Lizzie B