Bad news
My husband has been working for this company for the past 9 years. It is a wonderful company to work for it truly is right. Well, they have a "No two class A drivers" (My husband drives semi locally) can have the same time of work off. WELL.....the ONE man who has more time in then my husband has the day of my surgery off. SO....this means my DH will not be with me when I wake up from surgery. I could cry!!!! He says he will go with me to the hospital since I have to be there at 5:30 am. My surgery is scheduled for 7:30. When they take me in he will go to work and come back when he is done working. However, It just isn't the same as knowing he will be there when I wake up. My husband is the one who I draw so much strengh from. He is my best friend and I just don't know how I will stay calm knowing he isn't going to be there. There is nothing I can really do about it unless I post pone my surgery but I don't want to do that either. Please say prayers for me that I can find peace with this. Thanks so much for letting me vent. I have 38 days to go until I am a loser!!!
Maybe you could call and see if they have a date soon after that your hubby could be there. If not maybe he could appeal to the other driver for you about how important that day is. Also pray about it. Maybe the other guy will change his plans spontaneously, you never know. I do know how hard it will be for you. Do you have a very good friend or a sister or brother who could be there for you? Or possibly one of our losers here could come and stand in for you. I would come, except I will be gone for 10 days during that time.
I hope and pray everything will work out for you.
Hi Diane,
I am sad for you that your husband can't be with you when you wake up from recovery. But from what I can sense by reading your posts, he will be there with you and without a doubt he'll carry you in his heart. At least your husband is a local driver and he won't be gone over night or for days. I would be crushed too if Gordon wasn't able to be there with me. My heart aches for you... BUT on a positive note, I'll bet he will be there with you when you take your first loser walk... and every moment that follows!
My love and prayers are sent to you....
Sorry to hear of your news. Although your husband will not be there in person, he will be with you in other ways. Since all the other advice seems to not go in your favor of switching days off and that, I would ask if you could take a small pic of your hubby in with you while your having surgery. Also, you always have God by your side! He is always near to us when we need him! You will be fine.. ask God for strength so that you can handle this now, and in surgery. I will keep you in my prayers.
Best of Luck,