My Aunt Died This Morning
My cousin Joanne called this morning to say that my Aunt Barbara had died this morning. Nothing has been confirmed, but she had gotten up about 1am and was going to sit in her chair. My uncle didn't check on her b4 he went to work.
Anyhow, I'm doing as well as can be expected. I helped out by cleaning the house, however, I'm worried about emotional eating. I wasn't super close to her, but....
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.....
I am so sorry for your loss Rhonda. I agree that if you stay busy, that will get your mind going on something other than confort food. I could suggest that you make a large salad something like Spinach salad or 7 layer salad for the greiving family. That way you get the food isssue out of the way and if you are tempted, the salad is pretty safe.
In the South we always cook something and would take it to the funeral home, so the family would not have to worry about going going out to eat or the little kids. Things are so different here in Michigan.
Dad is already making a cake this morning and may go to Sam's to get some pinwheel sandwiches.
In the South the funeral homes were open all night, they are now closing at 9pm. I remember this with my grandparents....
Thanks for your concern...
I think I'm just trying to be strong - granted, it wasn't my mom, but you start to think of your own parents.
I have been trying to help out my mom as much as possible and telling her that she needs to be with her brother at this time. I even told her to forget abou****ching my niece and nephew on Monday - my sister can get someone else. My Uncle Jerry has no other family here in Michigan other than my mom - one sister is in Delaware and the other two sisters are in TN. I don't think any of them will come.
Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers. Right now just getting my thoughts out is helping...