Many of you know that my husband, Steve, is in need of a liver transplant and has been quite ill and unable to work since March of 2005. Recent lab tests indicated that he may have cancer. He had an MRI at the University of Michigan earlier this month and we yesterday we finally received the results. The scan revealed several lesions on his liver but they are small and the drs. cannot tell if they may be cancerous. Due to his many medical issues, they have decided the safest way to go for now is to wait 3 months, then have another MRI done and see if there have been any changes. So....we will continue to try and stay positive and live each day as it comes, enjoying it together.
Thanks to all of you for your continuing kindness, support, thoughts and prayers over this past year. We appreciate them so very much. Blessings always.
Hi Pam (and Steve, too): I've been praying for you two even though I have been out of touch for the past weeks. You are a sweet person who I've come to love through our online chats and our meeting at the luncheon. You are so positive all the time! You are an inspiration. I will keep the prayers going up for you and Steve. Love, Pam