sf ice cream/ lactose intolerant?
I have a couple of quick questions. I have read on here that some people have a hard time with sf ice cream they say that it makes them hurt. Do you know why that is?
Also, if you become lactose intolerant when do you usually know by. Is it right away? I plan on doing protein drinks with milk but someone said that I might not be able to do dairy after surgery. Thanks.
I started on protein with skim milk 2 weeks post op, then at 2 months found out I was lactose intolerant to any dairy product and found it hard to eat or drink.
I started then using GNC's Isopure protein which is CLEAR protein, 45 grams per 20 ounce bottle but it isn't cheap. I think they run 3.59 per bottle. That's a guesstimate.
Now I can do skim milk, fat free cottage cheese, cheese as long as part skim and low fat, and I can eat ice cream that is low fat/fat free and sugar free or low sugar.
I now have to watch close my sugar intake- as any person does monitor, I can tolerate about 5-8 grams per servings but any more than that, and I dump. Doesn't matter what it is.
Each person is different, has different results, and different things they tolerate and don't tolerate.
You learn as you become post op what you can and cannot handle, and it is best to keep a journal as to what you ate or drank and how it made you feel so that in the future you can refer to "oh that's what made me or not.
I still to this day kind of keep track of the protein I consume and then worry about everything else. Protein is priority.
Hope this is of help to you.....and I don't recommend trying ANY proteins now, because your tastebuds change after surgery. AS many will state here also.
Hugs and
Hi Stacey,
Thanks for the info. I did buy a bottle of protein mix because I have to do a 2 week liquid fast before surgery and this is one my friend recommended for me to try. It isn't too bad actually. The keeping track of what you ate is a great idea. I guess the unknown is always scary isn't it. I worry about every little thing right now because I dont' know how my body is going to respond to the surgery so all the info I can get helps. Thanks for the feed back!
Ironic, that your surgery date, is one day to the year from when mine was.
Feel free to email me often if you have questions, or want to know anything I can help with. I'm close to 11 months post op, and feel that I have done quite well, all things considered.
It is definately a rollercoaster ride but go in with all the knowledge and power you have, the support, the confidence and love and you will do wonderfully.
I take one day at a time, and don't worry about what I eat tomorrow. I rarely even worry about food like I use to. So things do change.
I did not have to do a liquid fast, I just had to avoid foods 2 days pre op, and on liquids the day before up until midnight, then nothing, zip, notta. I did have to drink that magnesium sulfate that cleans you out...that was nasty. Because mostly, it came in cherry or lime, and I took the cherry, even tho I hate cherry anything.or should I say I did.....lmao
Now, I enjoy cherry anything. Weird. I also didn't like tuna at all. Now, I like it, as long as it's the kind in the bags. Not canned. I don't eat canned meats, sodium seems higher in those. You learn to read labels. More carefully than ever. I look at three things.
and go from there.
Take care, and you can email me anytime!
SF ice cream and dairy causes some of us problems. I went LI about a month out and stayed that way for 6 months. I used soy milk at first then found dairy ease milk and lactaid milk and used that in my protein shake. I still do. It's easier on my gizzard. I also take a little natural dairy tablet after a dairy filled meal.
Some folks never have a problem at all and some do.
Every day is an adventure.
I loved Milk before surgery now the thought of it makes me want to get sick. I don't dump on it just sits really heavy and brings my spirits down. You will find what you like now you more than likely won't like afterwards. Here are a few of my examples: I loved milk can't stand it now, Tuna was my 3-4 times a week lunch can't eat it now, Cheese I hated love it now, Oatmeal was my breakfast 80% of the time now I can't eat it. I could go on and on on how weird the tastebuds are but each person is different and only time will tell what you can and can't handle. I can eat sugars (minimal amount) but anything with grease/fat I can't I get really sleepy. I don't dump I just get in the dumps! lol
Good luck and keep asking questions we all had/have them.
I didn't become lactose intolerant until i was about 6 months out. It lasted for six months, and in the meantime i used lactaid milk......my doc says the reason for me becoming lactose intolerant was because i depended too much on dairy, it seemed like all i ate was cottage cheese. Since then i am still sensitive to lactic acid, which is in things i never thought of like pepperoni and brats. Just remember that your body is changing every single day, and what works today doesn't always work tomorrow.
I get sick on sf ice cream. If I have a bite or two of regular I am ok. Go figure. However more than a bite and I am dumpin like a dog! It is best to be really careful with milk products until you know for sure. Don't go whole hog and mix up carnation instant breakfast and 2% milk like I did right after surgery! Holy Cow! Was I sick. Even though I used the no sugar added, it still has alot of sugar, especially with milk. Milk has alot of sugar on its own and I couldn't take that amount right after surgery.
As far as the LI, I did not have that, but dairy is high in fat and calories, so you have to watch those things later on in your diet. I am a year out now and I think my malabsorption is less than it was early on and the weight loss slows down.
Good luck with everything.