How do you appeal to the state?
Go online to Or call 1-877-333-6442. Get form, Health Care- request for External Review. Have all your letters to your insurance companies and letter from your insurance companies copied. It really helps to have copies of your medical records for at least the last year, if not longer. You have 60 days from last denial to get it into them. Hope this helps
Things to remember for the concise and to the point! State the facts in a clear manner.
I actually offered three options, which may have helped to win my appeal. One was to overturn the denial outright, the second was another psych eval with stipulations, the third was counseling sessions and another psych eval (also with stipulations). I believe this showed I was willing to work with them to get what I wanted.
I wish your friend the best of luck. My appeal took six weeks and it was a belated birthday present when I got the news!