I"M HOME!!!!!!!
HellO All,
I'm home and feeling pretty good a little tired. Pain is not bad, just a little gas, I also had hernia repairs done.
Dr Wood says everything went well and I should do great because I'm so motivated and have such a great support system. Alot of family & friends, old co workers were there.
I would like to thank ALL of you for your thoughts, prayers, phone calls and visits, it really makes a difference to know you have so many people in your corner!!!!!!
I gotta update once more and then I didnt sleep alot there they dont let you, plus I'm a midnight shift worker so I'm up alot, I WALKED soooooo much!!!!!
Thanks Again
Dear Detroit Diva....aka Simone
WELCOME to the LOSERS BENCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's good to know things went well for you and that you are home recovering.
Take one day at a time, baby steps, and follow doctors orders!!!! ALWAYS!!!!
I wish you great healing, super speedy recovery, and time that is spent in peace and comfort.
My thoughts are with you and every step you take.....