A little scared
I had my annual gyne check-up today, and my doctor felt something around my ovaries as she was doing my pelvic. She asked me if I was feeling bloated or had a lot of gas. I told her I had told my PCP that my three big complaints were I was cold, tired and gassy, but he said that was normal for a bariatric patient. She seemed more concerned than he did. Then she scheduled me for an ultrasound. I have since been reading about ovarian cancer on the Web, and now I'm scared: some of the symptoms are: bloating, gas, constipation (don't have that), back pain, leg pain. Now, a lot of these symptoms I have because of my fibromyalgia, but I wonder if all these years some of these things were pooh-poohed because of my obesity.
I don't have the ultrasound unfortunately until May 9. So I get to be scared and worried for a few weeks. I have a good friend who had ovarian cancer and has survived that (and had a kidney transplant ... another story) so I know you can survive this. Still, any advice/ideas/comments would be appreciated.
I am a three time cancer survivor: Ovarian, Uterine and Cervical, from 1991.
I underwent a complete hysterectomy due to the previous 2 years being sheer hell for me during "that time of the month" and I didn't want to deal with being in and out of hospitals so frequently.
I am also a WLS patient who started her journey at 310 and is now 164.
Fear is so common in all of us when we don't know the outcome. I know from having so many things happen but I do have the following words of encouragement for you.
Right now it is unclear what is wrong. Focus on inner strength from the good that you have accomplished and think positively about your body inside and out. Remind yourself daily that no matter what, you can overcome.
Take one day at a time, and though it sounds cliche', "tomorrow isn't here yet- why worry about it- it doesn't add time to your life".
Go into this with positivity and support from family and friends (like me) and you will prevail.
One thing I learned in my travels of life is that faith, family, love and support will get you through any thing in life and then my final word of encouragement for you is the phrase I've kept close to my heart for over 3 decades:
God Bless you and I'm here if you need a shoulder. Just send me an email.
Stacey W
310/164/July 19, 2005
Eileen: I am praying for you! I know that is scary and then we look things up at a touch of a button with the internet, too! I would think with all the hospitals around Grand Rapids there would be one that could do an ultrasound sooner than May 9th. Ask them if you can come down and have it done in Paw Paw at Lakeview, they are scheduling mine for next week. The one on the gall bladder only took from scheduling on Thursday and they did it Monday morning. I agree with Linda and Stacey, it might be cysts and probably not something worse. I know it's hard, but try to keep positive. Love, Pam
Let me clarify ... the first appointment available was for April 25 ... I will be on vacation; the next was for May 5 at the same time as my mammogram; the next one was May 9, so I took that one (and even then, it's at 8:45 a.m., which is much too early in the morning for me.) Part of the problem is my schedule and their schedule did not meet, because it's done at my gyne's office, so she can come in and look at things right away as they are being done.
Anyway, I hate waiting ... I want things done now! I just wonder how much of my fibromyalgia/irritable bowel syndrome/spinal arthritis diagnosis is linked to this new problem. I wonder if somehow the obesity masked anything in my ovaries. I feel my years of abuse on my body is coming back to haunt me with all the pain in my back and my knees and my feet and now this. I have seen people with cancer; I am watching a friend die from cancer right now. I am so scared of this disease. And I don't even know if I have it yet.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.