Pain in lower side!! women only?
Hello everyone,
I just had knee surgery for a torn meniscus last week, so Im home with time off and and a chance to read the board a little bit more.
Anyways, I'm having this problem. I have always had pain in my right side, from my right ovary--everytime I ovulate. I have severe endometriosis and have had surgery for it and cant ever have children. I have learned to live with that pain. It is very intense but only lasts about a day--every month. In August I had a D & C for small cysyts & tumors.
The problem I am having now is..... last week I felt that pain in my ovary, only it was not ovulation time and it lasted more than a day... the pain is getting worse. but it doesnt hurt every minute.. but it hurts the majority of the day...I noticed that it hurts worse right before a bowel movement...and i also feel constipated. So I have had 2 thoughts.
1. It is some sort of a bowel obstruction and the pressure is pressing on that ovary. OR
2. Its maybe a cyst on that ovary and the bowels are pushing on it and hurting it.
Has anyone ever felt this?? Has anyone ever had a lower bowel obstruction and could tell me hoe they felt or what symptoms from it?
Im not sure at this point wethere to schedule an appointment with my wls surgeon or my gynocologist.
Any suggestions??
Thanks everyone ;)
If it is truly hurting down by the ovary area, I would think you are having trouble with the endometriosis. Maybe it has grown around the ovary, maybe the ovary has a cyst on it, something like that. It could be that the endometriosis has grown around the intestines, too. My girlfriend had some exploratory surgery in Dec. and her endometriosis is all around her bladder. I think you should get into the gyno. right away and find out what's involved. Then, if she/he clears you from that portion and you're still hurting get to the bariatric doctor. Since the scar tissue that could cause adhesions with bariatric surgery, and then cause bowel obstruction is much higher than where you are talking about, I would think that this requires your gynocologist. Do it right now, pain is telling you to get to a doctor! Pam
I totally agree with Pam. Pain like that is nothing to mess with. My oldest daughter has just gotten out of the hospital for a bowel obstruction caused by adhesions from many surgeries, one of them being gastric bypass. She is having surgery next Thursday to correct this. The pain she had was midsection in the front that radiated to her back. Classic BO symptoms she was told. My youngest daughter has problems with cysts on the ovaries and just like you has pain when she ovulates. But a year and a half ago she had that incresing pain non-ovulating related and was taken to emergency with a ruptured cyst and appendix. Get checked soon!