Speaking of gas...
I know this may be a little too personal...but if I can't ask my fellow WLS folks, then who can I ask
I'm in week one of the supplements with MMPC, and I just cannot understand why I'm so gassy??? I'm already not hardly eating anything, so why is my stomach so 'bubbly' for lack of a better word? Is it the protein drinks/meals/bars that make this happen? Does anyone know? I know I've heard post-WLS folks talk about gas...but I didn't know it was part of the pre-surgery too??? Sheesh.
I didn't have to do supplements preop, but suspect it is all the protein and good things going into your body that is causing the gas. right now you're detoxing your body of all the bad things, and i know it's hard to stick to it, but let me tell you, it's a small price to pay for how great you're going to feel post-op. So keep up the good work, you will be a loser before you know it.
Tarra: Did you say that you were eating the soy nuts? Those things caused a lot of gas with me. I stopped eating those since it was such a problem. If it isn't those, then I'm not sure. Probably what Linda said about getting the junk out of your system. The worst in almost over for you, I think day 1-4 are the worst of feeling lousy and getting your system cleaned out.
Take it a day at a time! Love, Pam
Yes, I eat two packs of soy nuts a day, because between the soy nuts, the spaghetti and the bars, that's all I really enjoy eating (although I do also eat some of the other supplements...but I don't really LIKE them so sometimes I double up on the things I like, now that I know I can). You are SO right...I explained to my Angel, Pam, that it almost feels like I'm a crack addict being weaned off of drugs. My body (or brain) really was having a hard time not eating all the yummy things I normally like to eat. I pout and whine like a toddler sometimes when I pull out my little protein pouch for lunch or dinner. But now I'm on day 5, and I'm starting to accept this as reality. THanks for everyone putting up with me as I went through my food withdrawal!
Tarra: When you go in for your 1 week check up, get the supplements that you'll use for this last week before surgery. That way you can save the liquid ones for after surgery. You can't have the bars, spaghetti, or chili, or chicken noodle soup after surgery for 6 weeks. They don't want any little hard things getting stuck in the digestive track or pouch during that time. Once you are six weeks out, you can have that stuff again, but will be on regular food by then, so you may not need it. Thought this would save your money if you just got the stuff you liked for this coming week instead of the stuff for after surgery. Pam