Hello Everyone,
I feel horrible it has been months since I posted to the site and my profile. Life is GOOD though and completely changed for the best! I feel wonderful and others say I even look wonderful. That is still a little hard to accept but I am getting better at it.
Anyway I would like to put out there that I will be hosting 3 new support groups for those in the Manistee and Wexford county areas. My first Cadillac meeting will be April 22nd 10:30-Noon at the Cadillac Revival Church, they have offered me the space free on charge. This will be a monthly Saturday meeting, the 4th Saturday of every month!!!!!
I also will be hosting a meeting in Manistee at the Manistee National Golf and Resort Conference room that meeting will be the 3rd Thursday on every month starting May 18th 6p-7p.
I was recently trained by MMPC to be the host facilitator at these meetings, I will soon be doing one in Wellston and will let you know when that one will be.
These meetings are open to ANY AND ALL who have had the surgery or are investigating the surgery, we would love to have you join us !
Anyone that has questions or needs directions can email me at [email protected] !
Please let anyone you may know of in this area about the new meetings there are a great way to be with those who know what you are going through or have already been through.
Thanks again
Melissa K