Appointment with Plastic surgeon tommorrow
Hi Eileen I went to Dr Scott Brundage at center for plastic sugery on Michigan street only a block away from Butterworth. He is a really nice surgeon and was honest and up front. I have alot more skin in my back that needs to be removed then just a normal tummy tuck so it requires more work. I think I am going to try to have it done in June but will see. I really like Traverse city it is really nice and quiet and peaceful and nice to be able to see lake michigan when driving to work and so forth in the horizon. I heard it gets worse around may when all the tourist start taking over but It is totally different from Grand Rapids. So who are you seeing to do your plastics. Tricia
I have an appointment with Margaret Aitken with Plastic Surgery Associates downtown. She is one of only two in Grand Rapids that BCBS will pay for. I figure I have to get my pain doc to say the panni is causing some of my back problems (which is probably is) so removing it will help my back because I haven't had any skin problems since early on and nothing really serious. Anyway, I couldn't get an appointment with her until after Labor Day. I can't afford to pay for this so it will have to be what insurance will pay. So we will see.
Good luck to you up north. Never have been up there, but hear it is beautiful.
Hi Pam I am finally getting adapted to Traverse city and I do really like working for Munson they a great medical facility. I feel really lucky to be able to be only 10 minute from the beach and being able to see lake michigan when driving to work. Traverse city is really different then Grand Rapids only half the traffic and nice and quiet and a different pace then down state. How did your scope go no more ulcers I hope. Tricia