Just want your opinion please.
I know that many of you have had tummy tucks by Dr. Schuhknecht and just wanted your opinions/feedback. Have you been happy with the results any regrets/problems? My daughter is doing better and should be coming home today, if she clears the GI test. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. Her next step is corrective surgery, so she is thinking about trying to get the tummy tuck at the same time. She is a very thourogh person so she is investigating all her options. She saw Dr. S after Gastric Bypass and liked him alot and thought she might give him a call to see if he could help. Thanks for you input.
Want my opinion?????????? You know I have one or two.
He did mine and I'm happy with it. I have a scar problem on my left side I am chicken to have done because of the anesthetic.
My only regret was that I didn't take more time off and more dope. It hurt like hell.
Also, don't make any cracks about MSU when he's drawing on you. I thank God Dr. Kole was in there too and kept me from coming out Karen Phillips.
I can't remember what I said but Jon says it was a good one and he's an MSU guy too.
Honestly and seriously. I trust Dr. Schuhknecht completely.