Dear Dr. Flabby
I am only a little over 6 weeks post-op and I have hit my first plateau. I haven't lost any weight in over a week. I have been drinking plenty of water, increased my time at the gym, getting plenty of protein, taking my vitiamins, and trying to eat three times a day. I am still having problems with the last one though. What do I need to do to get over this. I must admit, I am getting a little discouraged.
Thanks for your help.
Dear Kelli,
Don't sweat it. Plateaus are a regular occurrence for us. It seems we stop at points significant to us on the way up. Go figure. It will pass but one of the best things to do is what you are doing now - Protein water and walk. If you are at the gym you may be trading muscle mass for the fat mass. Make sure you get a little cardio in.
I did this when they hi****er myself, wait, protein, walk, water then another protein. I would jump start my metabolism in the morning and that usually made the plateau go away.