Dear Doctor Flabby:
Dear Doctor,
With 4 multivitamins a day, from "Optisource" I am beginning to get a cold
and wondered if extra Vitamin C would be acceptable or should I take cough syrup since my throat feels like sandpaper.
Below are the vites in my vite. (I take 4 of these daily as per my bariatric surgeon's instructions)
Thanks Doc!!!
Nutritional Facts
Serving Size 1 tablet
Servings Per Container
Calories 5
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value*
Total Carbohydrate 1.0 g 1.0% %
Sugars 1.0 g % %
Vitamin A 37.0% %
Vitamin C 15.0 mg 25.0% %
Vitamin D 25.0% %
Vitamin E 417.0% %
Vitamin K 40.0 mcg 50.0% %
Thiamin 375.0 mcg 25.0% %
Riboflavin 425.0 mcg 25.0% %
Niacin 5.0 mg 25.0% %
Vitamin B6 500.0 mcg 25.0% %
Folate 200.0 mcg 50.0% %
Vitamin B12 125.0 mcg 2083.0% %
Biotin 75.0 mcg 25.0% %
Pantothenic Acid 2.5 mg 25.0% %
Calcium 250.0 mg 25.0% %
Iron 7.5 mg 42.0% %
Phosphorus 50.0 mg 5.0% %
Iodine 37.5 mcg 25.0% %
Magnesium 100.0 mg 25.0% %
Zinc 7.5 mg 50.0% %
Selenium 17.5 mcg 25.0% %
Copper 0.5 mg 25.0% %
Manganese 0.5 mg 25.0% %
Chromium 30.0 mcg 25.0% %
Molybdenum 18.75 mcg 25.0% %
Sodium 5.0 mg 1.0% %

Zicam works wonders! It's zinc that is either in a nasal spray or nasal swab. Start as soon as you start to feel the cold coming on. I am a teacher and I swear by this stuff. (ocasionally during a heavy cold season it will start to bother my nose - tenderness, but not for just one cold) Available in any drugstore.
The only sure way to never get a cold again is to eventually get all of the cold viruses and your system will recognize them with the proper antibodies.
The airborn product works pretty good. Zinc lozenges are also good. Plenty of rest and fluids and chicken soup!!!!!
Extra vitamin c han help but you'll pass anything that you don't absorb over I believe 200% of the RDA so it might just be a waste.
Hope you feel better.