Need help with high protein ideas
my favorite was always low fat cottage cheese. You're not very far out yet, so you don't have many choices. yogurt, eggs and cheese are high protein....when you advance to meats, beef jerky is good . I do two protein drinks a day, even though i can eat more protein, i want to make sure in case i'm not absorbing it enough yet. i average 80 to 100 grams of protein per day, and then 64-100 ounces of water. It takes time to get used to it, just do the best you can.
I stopped drinking protein shakes about 3 weeks post op because I could not stomach them, made with milk or water. My alternative is at the following link: they are called POWER CRUNCH PROTEIN BARS - CONTAINING 14 GRAMS OF PROTEIN PER BAR ( I EAT ABOUT 3 PER DAY ):
I highly recommend the chocolate/peanut butter bars. These bars are wafers and light, not chewy or gooey and hard to digest at all. They taste great and I find them easy to incorporate into my daily regime of protein along with other things. Another thing high in protein if you prefer drinks
is the ISOPURE bottled clear whey protein found at GNC stores across the state/usa. I prefer the APPLE one-- I have tried also Blue Raspberry and it's good- they taste similar but not exactly to Kool Aid. Best to drink those ice cold and even over ice.
Hi Jennifer,
I add 1 tablespoon of any whey unvlavored protein powder to everything I eat, that it can be mixed into, like, FFcottage cheese, Ff refried beans, carb control yogurt, peanut butter(which I use only 1 teaspoon at time, any more than that I'm sick), Sf puddding, Sf jello, etc.. 1 tbsp. adds 9 grams of protein
Hope this helps
God bless you,