Chewed by my NUT
ARG! I'm so frustrated!!!! I saw my NUT today and she says I'm not getting in enough calories. I agree but... the scale has gone back up 3 lbs and this morning I had so much fluid retention that my ring was so tight it hurt. It's so very hard to get past the mind set that I actually need to eat and that by not doing so, causes my loss to stall. The NUT feels that my weight loss has slowed before typically expected. I agree. At 3 months out, I should be doing better than 11 lbs. a month.
What is wrong?!?!?! I feel nothing is working, if I eat too little, it stalls, if I eat what they want me to, won't I gain? Even though I've had some stalls, I've never gone back up.
I average 700ish cals a day (i know, not enough), 80ish grams of protein, 30-50 grams of fat and less than 30 grams of carbs. I need to up my water, I'm at 40-60oz a day.
I'm hoping you'll have some suggestions. I'm discouraged; tis just can't happen! HELP!
In the Zoo
Hi Sheryl,
You do need more calories. I average between 650 and 900 a day (my nut say's I need 900 to 1200 a day). My carbs average around 30 to 36, fat's are about 8 to 10 a day, protein between 87 to 120gr's a day. My average weight loss is 8 to 10 pounds every two weeks. I don't weigh myself more than that. I hope this helps you.
God bless,
Sheryl - Been there, done that, wrote the book!!!!
Yup, you need to up both your calories and your water. You're protein is looking good though.
It's weird how it works, but your nut is right. If you'll up your cals then you start to loose weight again. And I've REALLY found that not enough water makes my body retain water!! I can go up 3 or 4 pounds in two days if I slack off on my water!!! I've had to up mine to 80 oz per day to keep things flushed out and not bloated.
How many times per day do you eat??? You may need to add in a couple of snacks through out the day. I'm eating six times per day (I feel like that's all I do is eat) but that's what it takes for me to get in enough calories. I'm now up to 1200 - 1300 calories per day.
This is just a small bump in the road - you'll get past it in no time!!
Ok laurie, it looks like I have 2 issues. Water and calories. You really can't give me an inch..... I'll take it if I can. My NUT once said "I won't worry if you're not drinking 64oz+ of water if your urine is light." Well you know that that gave me license right there to not do what I knew I should be doing. My problem with my calories is that I can still only hold 1/2 cup of food (my NUT thinks I should be able to hold 1 c by now) which means that even though I'm eating 6x a day, it's not enough calories. Her rule of thumb is 200 cal for each meal.
Thank you for your encouragement!
In the Zoo
I don't think there is anything wrong. You aer a woman - you have to deal with all kinds of crazy monthly things - things that make your weight go up and down. Get the water and walking in and a few less carbs maybe. You go into starvation maode and that means store food rather than use it if you are too low on cals.
You'll be fine. Stop sweating it.
From what I have read you should definetly lower your fat intake. Fat calories should be no more then 30% of your daily calorie intake. For very gram of carbs consumed it is 4 calories, for every gram of protein consumed it is 4 calories, and for every gram of fat consumed it is 9 CALORIES !!! I am learning all this from taking a nutrition class at college along with a lot of other useful information. As I have done before I recommend this class to everyone as it will be a great help. Definetly increase you water consumption. Also you didn't mention what you do for execise. This is an important part of the weightloss too. Peace and Love !!