Love this Site and the people
Hi I am new to Oh and have been enjoying everyones post. I have an apt. on Wed. with my Dietician and Dr. and I am so excited. I had my psych. eval. last week and should find out soon. My surgery is not scheduled, but hopefuly will be within the next 4-6 months. I signed up here about 3 weeks ago and am already addicted. Great Site!!!
Hi Roberta and welcome!
We have a support group in the Chelsea/Ann Arbor Area if you are interested in coming! The next is on April 7, 2006 at 7pm at Panera Bread on Jackson Road! PLease come and ask questions etc!
Email me if you have any questions
PS The support group is for anybody and you can bring spouses etc..
Oh heck yes I would do it over again!!! Its been a journey let me tell you but sooooooooooo worth it. I was scared inthe beginning too..but loook at me now- I havent been this small since who knows when.
Hope toseeyou next Friday and ask all the questions you want! We are there for help and support!