Anybody out there with experience with insurance companies and tummy tuck surgery? I will definately need to have that done but am wondering just how difficult it is to get approval. My concern is that it could be viewed as strictly a cosmetic procedure and therefore be denied.
Also, in less than a year, due to spouse's illness, I will lose my insurance coverage and it looks like I may have to go on Medicare. ? What are their policies on this type of surgery? Do they have any coverage at all for it?
Sorry to tell you this but Medicar does not cover tummy tucks only if it is medically necessary like if you have skin problems with rashes and yeast infections plus you have to be over a year out with medical documentation from your PCP who has treated you for the problems with your skin. Alot of insurance companies have guidlines that they follow to determine if cosmetic or medically necessary. I am in the process of getting my tummy tuck covered by insurance but anything else done will be considered cosmetic. It would not hurt to call medicare they will tell you what is covered plus I know that alot of plastic surgeons chose not to participate with medicare so it is hard to find physcian. ALot of surgeons want you to be over a year out and not loosing anymore weight. Good luck Tricia