AAARRGGG Priority Health!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:help:
Hello Everyone, I hope the sunshine made yall feel better. I need some help dealing with priority health, I was denied the supervised mwl program that they say I need before I can qualify for the surgical wtl program, I have to write an appeals letter and I am so angry, and hurt that I dont know which way to turn? How do I start? Where do I begin? Please help me while I still have the courage to fight.
Margaret G.
I had read that Priority was really tightening up on their authorization of anything relating to WLS but this seems a bit extreme. What reasons did they give for denying your surgery? I noticed in your profile that your bmi is 61. That is serious enough by itself.
Don't give up! Turn right around and file a grievance TODAY!!! I think the insurance providers like to give out hard times in hopes that we will just "go away." DON'T!!! Keep buggin them everyday in everyway that is appropriate, file the paperwork to make a formal grievance, and let them know that you are not going anywhere until they provide the services that they have been PAID TO DELIVER!
I can't believe how that company has changed in less that a year. PH was my insurer last year when I had my surgery and I got my approval in a very short period of time.
Keep us posted on how you are doing with this. Don't give up, don't ever give up! YOU will be successful. YOU have made a decision to do something to regain your health and nowYOU may have to fight for it - BUT YOU will win!
Let me know if you need any encouragement - we are all here for you! Good luck.