5 for Friday
1. What are your plans for the summer?
-Spending time up north at our trailer on Lake Leelanau....
2. What are your fondest childhood memories?
-Heck! I am still living it.... as a kid we had a permanent lot in a campground on Lake Leelanau and I worked the summers in Leland at the Old Library and the Bluebird Resturant. Now as an adult my husband and I have a trailer on a permanent lot in the same campground, along with my parents and my sister's family!!
3. Do you know anyone famous? not personally.... but I have met a few famous people over the years!!!
4. What instrument did you play/want to play?
- I played the clairnet..... lately I have been learning the Recorder !! lol!! my son is learning to play it at his elementary school and I have been helping him!!!
5. What litle known fact would surprise people about you if they knew it?
- that I used to be morbidly Obese!!!! lol!!! and I am painfully shy!!!
1. What are your plans for the summer?
I actually have a busy summer planned out. The pool is being installed in 2 weeks. Going on a week (maybe weekend) canoe camp trip down the ausable river with my son before he leaves for boot camp. In June we're having a roller skating party for H.F.S. bariatric department, In July I'm going to Georgia, then Florida to Disney World for a week, then to West Melbourne to visit my sister. Going camping with my H.F.H. support group. Then the big one~ So far 10 of us from H.F.H. support group are going to make our dreams come true. We are going sky diving. what can I say~ Thank you Lord, and thank you Dr. Carlin!
2. What are your fondest childhood memories?
These were very few and far between. I do remember when I was 7 yrs. old, shortly before my dad died, he took my 2 brothers and I up to the park to ride the horses. He didn't tell us where we were going, it was a nice surprise.
3. Do you know anyone famous?
I briefly got to know Gilda Radnor, from the original S.N.L. She spent two weeks at our jr. high school looking for material to use in her comedy skits. She told me she had the perfect skit she was going to do about me~yes me, and I would know it when I saw it. Needless to say it wasn't very flattering.
4. What instrument did you play/want to play?
I've always wanted to learn to play the piano, guitar and the sax.
5. What little known fact would surprise people about you if they knew it?
That I am very shy. When I get around people I don't know well, I get so nervous I kind of black out. I start talking a lot with out really thinking about what I'm saying and often don't remember the conversation. I have been trying hard to keep myself calm in situations like this, and am getting a little better at it.
1. What are your plans for the summer?
-Camping in our lovely trailer in Da UP.
2. What are your fondest childhood memories?
-Playing games and cards with my family. And family vacations.
3. Do you know anyone famous? Nope
4. What instrument did you play/want to play?
-I took piano as a child/ I have NO musical talent.
5. What litle known fact would surprise people about you if they knew it?
I am a sexual GODDESS!!! Fat or not I rock!
1. What are your plans for the summer?
- I am having my surgery in June so that is what I will be doing this summer. Getting healthy!!!
2. What are your fondest childhood memories?
-OHHHHHH How do I pick.....Boys & Girls club camp, swimming in Lake Michigan, NO SCHOOL!!!, there are so many. My childhood was awesome.
3. Do you know anyone famous? No, but I did go to the same school that Derek Jeter went to. Does that count?!??!
4. What instrument did you play/want to play?
- I played the flute in elementary, then went into choir for middle school, and high school. I still sing in a choir now at my church.
5. What litle known fact would surprise people about you if they knew it?
- I was skinny my entire childhood. My mom used to have a fit because getting me to eat was terrible. She use to call me Morris the Cat because I was so finicky.

5 for Friday
1. What are your plans for the summer?
- spend some time in the back yard pool. Take the kids and hubby to Glen Lake for some R & R.
2. What are your fondest childhood memories?
-Going to Glen Lake every summer
3. Do you know anyone famous?
- I met Dick Chaney before he was VP. Other than that, naw. Don't impress me none.
4. What instrument did you play/want to play?
- I am so musically inept I haven't ever thought about it. Maybe try the guitar if my son decides to take lessons.
5. What litte known fact would surprise people about you if they knew it?
- That my childhood is not at all what most people thought. And that's about all anyone will get from me.
Everyone have a glorious weekend!
Happy happy Friday to all!
1. Plans for the summer - hoping my family comes for a visit. I moved up here from Virginia 2 1/2 years ago, and my parents have only been here once. I'm going down there the end of July (God help me but it's hotter than hell then) for a professional development conference and vacation. Other than that, I'm going to hang out by the river in my back yard and try not to let the skeeters devour me!
2. Fondest childhood memories - holidays. My extended family, uncles, aunts, cousins, gathered for every major holiday (and some minor ones) when I was a kid. My favorite memory was my sister, her best friend, and my cousins wife all seated on my piano bench when it collapsed while singing Silent Night one Christmas Eve. It was about as far from silent as you can get.
3. Do I know anybody famous? I had a great-uncle who was ranked as one of the greatest pro golfers of all time - Sam Snead was his name. He loved a good dirty joke. So did my grandmother, actually.
4. Musical instrument - I played piano for many years, but a vision ailment made it difficult for me to read music and I gave it up. A friend of mine let me play his electronic drums at his New Year's Eve party. It was a blast!
5. Little known fact about me - there aren't any. I can keep anyone's secrets but my own!
Be safe all!
(that was fun, do you do that every Friday?)