Crossing my fingers AND eyes!
I just got a letter from Chuckie and took it to my PCP' office. It looked like it had everything in it that the Dr asked for, FINALLY!
If you are so inclined, please say a little prayer for me that I get approved for the revision this time!
I am getting so tired of the whole insurance business. OH and incompetence on Dr's nurses part!
Let ya know what happens when I know-- The PCP's nurse didn't know when it would get sent in-- grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I wanted to jump thru that window and force her to fax the stuff right then!
If thats ONLY what it took! I could chant that all day, heck I am not crazy, I passed my eval AGAIN! People would just look at me like I am weird!
No problem!!
Take care everyone & God Bless
my dear, dear friend, you will be approved for your revision. You and I both know that you will be because we have faith. You can not be the special person that you are and not have things swing your way. You're so giving and loving. Keep the faith sweetie and before ya know you'll be as good as the new old durinda. Hmmmmmmmmmm did that make sense??? Lol oh well we don't have to because we know what one another is thinking and saying without it making sense. Lol
love ya like my sis,