OT-Threatened by a Co Worker- Need to Vent
I dont post much but I really need to vent!!! I work the midnight shift at a female prison, I'm the youngest RN on the midnight shift and the LPN's that work under me are older. I can understand that it may be hard for them to take directions/orders from me, so therefore I try to give very little of either. I feel we are all adults and know our jobs!!!! There is one nurse in particular that comes in every night with a head scarf, toothbrush,toothpaste, and make-up, prepapred to sleep 5-6 hours to go to her am job(because her husband does not work(whatever not my problem still).
Now to the point we had a prisoner having a asthma attack which required her having a tube placed to breathe etc. The whole nine yards. This heifer is still asleep and no help, so I get fed up and call her out on it after several months. (I did report it before with no results only comments that this is what she does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
Now that I have reported herto the TOP boss, She says she is going to run me over with her car!!!, kill me!!! stab me!!! I'm a fat azz and any other childish crap she can think of.
Whether she meant it or not all the formal paperwork was filed this morning, I'm waiting to see how it will be handled, I will be beyond disappointed if they dont take the proper disciplinary actions!!!
Thanks, I just needed to vent, now maybe I can get some sleep
OOOOOO Diva that is very Harsh. I work in the medical field and I had a similar incident happen to me. When our manager would not do anything I reported this lady to the head HR person and the HR person came out and terminated her the same day.
Bottom line.....No one has the right to threaten someone else life.....Especailly in the work place....I think even if she was mad she should have been a woman about it and sucked it up. You should not have to go to work and feen uncomfortable......I hope your boss makes the right decision
Good Luck to ya
I am also an RN and I can understand the dynamics that you are working in. I would ask your boss what is their plan of action and if it is unacceptable to you I would quickly go to HR!
My favorite nursing job was in a county jail!
Good luck to you!
ps. I hope you made a copy of all the paperwork that you turned in.

That' assault. If she was moving towards you in a threatening fashion and came within two feet of you and you feel danger that is agravated assault. She may soon be one of your clients. Instead of just being there for a shift it may be 90-120 days depending on how well she behaves.
Make a paper trail. I recomend that to all my union people when things may get ugly. "On or about 3/28/06 Mary Blah said to me " iwjdffh smdkjmnwos, oju d modf m run me over with her car and pajfojp jmoij,,,, etc."
You don't need to take that crap off anybody.
kp @ goal
Thank you all for the oppurtunity to vent and the much needed support. Yes, I think people sometimes forget the fine line of employee/inmate
. All the paperwork was emailed this morning per the regional manager. Yes, KP I have some times and dates, actually GREAT advice from the other manager that I'm blaming for not taking action from the 1st 3 complaints!!!
Needless to say my husband is very upset and I had to keep him from becoming a inmate!!!! But threats are nothing to be taken lightly, at least with the prisoners you know what they are capable of, what about the chameleons that slip into society!!!!!!!!
Thanks Again!

How awful.... You work in an enviroment where you have to watch the inmates you should not have to also watch your co workers. Sounds to me like she is on the wrong side of the gate. I would push this one too. Tell them you fear for your safety from your co worker..
that is not right
Take care of you