This is Rae Coon Here
Hello Family:
I just want to thank all of you for your well wishes and prayers.
I saw My Surgeon yesterday and the Belly button seems to be healing nicely now. I am past the stage of gang Green as this has been one tedious week as far as cleaning scheduling goes.
It looks as though the Belly Button will be OK. I am on an anti biotic for the gang green and i need to continue this treatment for 30 days. It was a while there it just did not look as though it was going to survive and the pain associated with this has been so terrific. IT has been unbearable at times and I would not wish this on my worst enemy.
Although the rest of my 22 in*****ision has healed just fine, there are no associated problems with that....THank God as I would not be able to handle any more than what I have now.
The pain is subsiding and I am feeling more like myself today...
THere are no words to express how much I love all of you for your prayers and support in this trying time.
Continue to pray for recovery..i will update you all as soon As i am able to sit for any length of time at my computer....Today is the first day I am able to do so...
God love and bless each of mean the world to me...
Rae Ann Coon
Hi Laurie:
Thank you so much for the reply..I am sure gonna try to resond to everyone who posts here...I have not been well enough to do it as of late...
Congrats on your approval..That is just fantastic...Congrats and you are going to love the after look to this...who knew hips were under all of this fat....but Dr. Doebler found them...Hope your recover is going to be better then mine...Will keep you in my Prayers as always...
Love Ya
Hi Rae:
Please don't feel like you have to respond to my post...but I wanted you to know that I've been thinking about you and sending well wishes your way! It's soooo good to hear that you are on the mend.
Take care and be sure to follow all of your doctors orders. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.
Maria W.
Hi Rae Ann.....I am so glad to hear you had your plastic surgery....I met you at the support group in Fremont a couple of months ago....I haven't been to the last 2 meetings but will be going in April if they are still having the group....I am looking forward to seeing you.....sounds like you had a rough time but are doing better now....glad to hear it is getting better....I haven't been on the board in a long excuse...just busy enjoying my new life!!! Yours was the first message I saw when I signed in so it must of been fate!!! Keep getting better and hope to see you soon
Sue Schafer
Hi Susan....
Yes I do remember you... I was telling you how good you looked and could not wait until I looked like you...I am doing much better...It has been a bad week for me...I was really scared...but it is getting better and the pain from my Belly button is not so bad was the best day I had all two weeks.
I will be there for the April group meeting,...i cant wait for every one to see how much better I it gives others incentive to keep going and reach for the prize inside of us..
You were so sweet to me and I will never forget you for being so is nice to have people remember others as well...I will keep you posted...
Rae Ann
My goodness we have been through some times with this but guess what?
All those prayers we sought after came true and were answered.
God is good, indeed HE is.
I cannot tell you what this journey of yours has done for me and my soul and spirit. To be not just your friend but closer than I ever imagined because we share so mu*****ommon. I am not much into horoscope but knowing we are both Tauruses, the fact that we are only 8 days away from the same birthday but seperated by just under a decade, that we think alike, talk alike, (no, we dont look alike just yet-- I still am awaiting my TT!!!) ...we just act like we've known each other for .....ever almost. I am so thrilled, ok, more than thrilled......ELATED to ALL GET OUT.....that this worked and that you DON'T need any more surgery and .............that you are healing beautifully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My dear Rae.......I hope that you know that I've been busy lately and not the best communicator on your behalf here on, Mom being sick and travel tends to take up time. However, I hope you know how much I love you as a dear dear friend and buddy and darnit all nearly a sister to me. Outright family!!!!!
So with this reply I wish you much happiness and joy in your future, much love and hope, many great things and most of all, your dreams come true three fold.
All my hugs,
Your buddy