GOOD MORNING MmmmIiiiiCcccHhhhIiiiGgggAaaaNnnn!
Whew that was a mouth Full!
So how are we all this beautiful Monday Morning!.. Im doing pretty good, I locked myself out of my car.. No worries though it was running so I only wasted a few gallons of gas at $2.54 a gallon.. Once I got it open I took off with my purse on TOP of it so I had to spend another good 25 Minutes picking up my belongings off the road.. I never thought about how much crap we shove into those stupid things. I will be downsizing from my steamer trunk to a nice small purse.. then I went to my favorite store to get the best Decaff coffee in the whole entire world only to be told.. "Sorry no Coffee today we are under a water advisery" WTF.. so now Im in a great state of mind... then a little further down the road what happens? Shall I say a COP.. ok so I may have been speeding a little bit so anyway he pulls me over wanders up to the drivers side.. and I look at him with the sweetest smile I could muster and Guess what,, I talked my way out of a fricken ticket.. I was so proud of myself... so the moral of this story? Ok so there isnt really a moral but I didnt get a ticket.. and now Im in a great mood and Im drinking water instead of my morning Decaff coffee.. So how has your morning been so far??
Wow, Theresa is right, YIKES. My morning was not quite as eventful as yours. One of the little ones decided to
on the breakfast table and in her cereal, another had a melt down and the 2 yr old has decided he does't like ANYTHING today. Later I have to take him to the doc (suspicious looking bumps), meet with one of the kiddo's attys and 2 therapy appts.
I'm just waiting for Thursday (day of nada) to arrive!
In the Zoo