Configuring loss %
Sheryl: My doc has a thing that looks like a scale that they have you stand on, it measures lean body mass and fat and gives the percentages. I think you have to have that kind of machine or do a water immersion test to find out (at least the most accurate way). There is probably some formula that could give you estimates. I'll do some searching. Pam
Go to the bottom of my profile and put in your numbers on my BMI index and it will tell you where your BMI is now at your present weight. You can also put in the starting weight and then figure the difference.
Otherwise I found this formula:
Body Fat Formula For Women
Factor 1 (Total body weight x 0.732) + 8.987
Factor 2 Wrist measurement (at fullest point) / 3.140
Factor 3 Waist measurement (at naval) x 0.157
Factor 4 Hip measurement (at fullest point) x 0.249
Factor 5 Forearm measurement (at fullest point) x 0.434
Lean Body Mass Factor 1 + Factor 2 - Factor 3 - Factor 4 + Factor 5
Body Fat Weight Total bodyweight - Lean Body Mass
Body Fat Percentage (Body Fat Weight x 100) / total bodyweight
Body Fat Formula For Men
Factor 1 (Total body weight x 1.082) + 94.42
Factor 2 Waist measurement x 4.15
Lean Body Mass Factor 1 - Factor 2
Body Fat Weight Total bodyweight - Lean Body Mass
Body Fat Percentage (Body Fat Weight x 100) / total bodyweight
the figure that jay figured is right. But don't go by the bmi index for your ideal body weight unless you have tiny bones. I am 168 now and by that index it says i'm overweight. But my surgeon says it doesn't take into account our bone density....i am very big boned , but only 5'3....according to the bmi index i should weigh 130 pounds and my surgeon says that is way to much for me to lose....he actually says i need to start maintaining now because after i do all the plastics i will be at idea weight for me if not underweight. My husband and everyone is trying to make me eat, but i stick with the program and add a little extra here and there, but nothing bad. ask your surgeon what he thinks.