Is there anyone.....
Is there anyone out there in the Traverse City area that helped with the organization of the Walk from Obesity last September? If so could you please let me know. I have several questions I would like to ask about all that and could really use some of your help and input.
Thanks a bunch!!!!!!!
Take care and God Bless.
Hi Beth,
I was at the walk and took a couple of laps with a guy named Doug Shaffer. I can't believe I still had his card.
His email address is [email protected]
I'm usually not very organized so I was quite suprised when I seen his card. He actually was going to attend one of bypass support groups.
I'm hoping I will be able to attend this year. I really believe it would be worth the drive to Grand Rapids.
Maybe I could help coordinate some teams from Traverse City coming to Grand Rapids. I was disappointed with the walk last year in Traverse City because it was mostly patients from Grand Traverse Surgery and not many from MMPC or other places.
Now don't take that wrong. I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I don't have any problem with all the patients from Grand TRaverse Surgery or Grand Traverse Surgery. It was a very nice event. I was just hoping to see more from MMPC.
Thanks, Lynn Sprague
Beth: Are you still in the Ionia area? Don't know if you saw it, but we are having a get together for the WLS people on the West and SW side of the state and if you don't think it's too far we'd love you to come! It's at Finley's Restaurant on March 18th, 3 p.m. in Portage, MI (Kalamazoo) I'm not sure, but I think Ionia is close to Lansing, right? There are a lot of people that are from MMPC that will be there. Let me know! Love, Pam